"Anyone who nonconsensually violates your brain/mind/mentation using Mengele-like methods is a Nazi pig. You do not care what a Nazi pig thinks. You do not care about a Nazi pig's opinions. You do not respond to a Nazi pig ridiculing you, threatening you, trying to distract you, or otherwise trying to manipulate you. You work to get a Nazi pig hanged." - Allen Barker, NPT Theorem

Saturday, July 23, 2011

an unnamed "program"

"...Although most of MKUltra victims also were subjected to radiations and three victims gave their testimonies, Clinton's apology specifically targets the victims of cold-war era radiation experiments, most of which were initiated to study the effects of radiation to human. Clearly, the apology wasn't about the MK Ultra that the disinfo operatives want you to think about. An apology would mean an end to a conflict, an end to MK Ultra..."
Contrary to what was reported in the internet, President Bill Clinton did not apologized for the MK Ultra victims. On October 3, 1995 after he ordered to declassified government documents and initiated an investigation, a final report was offered to the press. During the conference at the White House, Clinton apologized for the human radiation experiments being done to uninformed victims in several military bases and universities. There was a disinformation in the internet connecting MKUltra to the Clinton apologies as to make it look like this mind control program has ended. In fact there are concrete evidences that as of today - 2011, the program has been going on with much more covert and overt activities by different sectors of the community and has become global in scope. Although most of MKUltra victims also were subjected to radiations and three victims gave their testimonies, Clinton's apology specifically targets the victims of cold-war era experiments, most of which are initiated to study the effects of radiation to human. Clearly, the apology wasn't about the MK Ultra that the disinfo operatives want you to think about. An apology would mean an end to a conflict, an end to MK Ultra.

MK Ultra did not end and has become an unnamed "program" using advanced technologies. The difference is that present day victims doesnt have to be tied up to a bed and drugged with LSD to be torture just like what Dr Ewen Cameron has done to his patients in Allen Memorial Hospital in Montreal. Present day victims can be attack anywhere using compact device and satellite radar system. Their minds are being bombarded with marathon voices and sounds, some are deceptively sounded like their own inner voices. These victims are also being subjected to radiations and pyshological stalking tactics patternned to Germany's Nazi-like harassments. Some victims are lucky enough to survive several phases of the "program" and discovered the real causes of their demise. Some victims committed suicide and died without knowing the truth. Others are being institutionalized with psychotropic drugs and labelled as dellussional or paranoid. Mainstream media doesn't cover this crimes because they owned by corporation who finance the "program" and has become part of the brainwashing machine. Desensitizing the masses so that they don't feel anything about this kind of terrorism. So that they give up their own privancy and human rights are part of the brainwashing programs. Here are something for you to think about:

Suicides has become an ordinary occurencies in many communities that the people are complacent or desensitized. Its not only the youth and member of LGBT anymore, immigrants and soldiers are also affected. PTSD and other mental disorder with pyshotropic drugs as the common denominator with all the sucide cases. The youth are tested with mental disorder at a very young age, most are diagnosed with ADD and are prescribed with Ritalin.

Mobbing at workplace are signs of targeting. If the targets don't acted their torture with violence, the normal outcome are being unemployed and disability. The same can be said in the schools. Bullying is rampant. If student don't acted out with violence, they became dropouts or disabled.

Main stream media don't cover this present-day experimentations (radiation, mind control, chem trails, illegal vaccinations, nano-tech implantations) even when the targets sent them evidences and letters asking them to inform the public and the authorities. The mainstream media did not even bother to write about several targets speaking out at the last two public meetings of The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. Long time ago this will be considered a big scandal.

Common tactics of mainstream media is to discredit and disinformed the public as all of these crimes are just conspiracy theories and its just a product of people's delussional or paranoid thinking and basically not happenning all around us.

When someone do an internet research on targeted individuals, researcher will notice several disinfo agents posing as victims. The purpose is to make the impression that targeted individuals are simply people who are delussional, paranoid or mentally challenged. You will see these agents wearing tin foils in their head; talking about the new metallic orgonites that targets can use for EMR attacks; and preaching about the incoming armageddon and alien invasion.

From the blatant disinformation connecting Clinto's apology to MK Ultra so that people will get the impression that MK ULtra is a thig of the past; the neglect of the mainstream media to cover the targeted individuals coming out activism; and to the noticeable discrediting of targeted individuals by disinfo agents using the internet, are clear indications that MK Ultra has never ended. With new technologies, operatives can predict thoughts and can manipulate behavior of targets. Operatives can used radiations to attacks physiological body functions of the targets making them sick. Operatives can used technologies to tampered electronic appliances even running water to transmit voices and sounds for the harassments making targets looks delussional or schizoprenic. Together with field stalkers, targets are being harassed in anywhere they go, developing isolation and paranoic behavior. All of these criminal activitities has been adopted from MK Ultra mind control program and hundreds of victims around the world has reported similar experiences, as I previously reported (with video evidences). Clearly, Mk Ultra never ended and became an unnamed "program" today that the public must warn and inform.

Report Human Radiation Experiments Report Oct 3, 1995 - President Clinton commented on the final report on human radiation experiments conducted by the federal government between 1944 and 1974. The government failed in its duty to tell the truth and protect citizens, he stated. The president promised compensation for the victims of these experiments. He also offered a formal apology to the survivors, their families, and to all American people who must be able to rely upon the United States to keep its word, tell the truth, and do the right thing. As an additional measure, President Clinton signed an executive order instructing every agency of the federal government which conducts, supports, or regulates research involving human beings to immediately review their procedures, and report back by the end of the year. The president also created a Bioethics Advisory Commission to supervise such research. He hopes the commission will ensure that the government never again strays from the basic values of protecting and being truthful with its people (C-Span).

On the Senate floor in 1977, Senator Ted Kennedy said: "The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an "extensive testing and experimentation" program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens "at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign." Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to "unwitting subjects in social situations." At least one death, that of Dr. Olson, resulted from these activities. The Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made little scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers." (Wikipedia)

Project MKULTRA, or MK-ULTRA, was the code name for a covert, illegal CIA human research program, run by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence. This official U.S. government program began in the early 1950s, continuing at least through the late 1960s, and it used U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects. The published evidence indicates that Project MKULTRA involved the use of many methodologies to manipulate individual mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, and verbal and sexual abuse.  Project MKULTRA was first brought to wide public attention in 1975 by the U.S. Congress, through investigations by the Church Committee, and by a presidential commission known as the Rockefeller Commission. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKULTRA files destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms' destruction order.

In 1977, a FOIA request uncovered a cache of 20,000 documents relating to project MKULTRA, which led to the Senate Hearings of 1977. In recent times most information regarding MKULTRA has been officially declassified. Although the CIA insists that MKULTRA-type experiments have been abandoned, 14-year CIA veteran Victor Marchetti has stated in various interviews that the CIA routinely conducts disinformation campaigns and that CIA mind control research continued. In a 1977 interview, Marchetti specifically called the CIA claim that MKULTRA was abandoned a "cover story." On the Senate floor in 1977, Senator Ted Kennedy said: The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an "extensive testing and experimentation" program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens "at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign." Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to "unwitting subjects in social situations." At least one death, that of Dr. Olson, resulted from these activities. The Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made little scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers (Wikipedia).

The Pike Committee Investigations and the CIA - "...The solid recommendations the Pike Committee made for improving Congressional and executive oversight of the IC and for strengthening the DCI's command and control authorities were overlooked in the commotion surrounding the leaking of the committee's report to the press. In addition to its recommendations for prohibiting assassinations, opening the IC budget, allowing GAO audits of the CIA, and introducing stricter oversight of covert actions, the committee's number-one recommendation, like the Church Committee's, was the establishment of a Standing Committee on Intelligence. Unlike its Senate counterpart, the House committee would have jurisdiction over all legislation and oversight functions relating to all US agencies and departments engaged in foreign or domestic intelligence. It would have exclusive jurisdiction over budget authorization for all intelligence activities and for all covert actions. The Pike Committee also proposed to vest this committee with subpoena power and the right to release any information or documents in its possession or control. Coupled with this last recommendation was an additional section that recommended criminal sanctions for the unauthorized disclosure of information tending to identify any US intelligence officer..." (Looking for a Rogue Elephant)

Valerie Wolf Testimony
"...if, as the evidence suggests, some of these people were used in radiation experiments, there might be information in the mind control experiment files on radiation experiments. We need this information to help in the rehabilitation and treatment of many people who have severe psychological and medical problems which interfere with their social, emotional and financial well-being. Finally, I urge you to recommend an investigation into these matters. Although there was a Commission on Mind Control, it did not include experiments on children, because most of them were too young, or still involved in research in the late 1970's to come forward. The only way to end the harassment and suffering of these people is to make public what has happened to them in the mind control experiments. Please recommend that there be an investigation and that the files be opened on the mind control experiments as they related to children..." (Mind Control Survivors' Testimony at the Human Radiation Experiments Hearings)

Christine deNicola Testimony
"...during the last two years, 1974-76, Dr. Greene used various mind control techniques to reverse the spy assassin messages, to self destruct and death messages. His purpose? He wanted me dead, and I struggled to stay alive all of my adult life. I believe it is by the grace of God that I am still alive. These horrible experiments have profoundly affected my life. I developed Multiple Personality Disorder because Dr. Greene's goal was to split my mind into as many parts as possible so he could control me totally. He failed, but I have to endure years of constant physical, mental and emotional pain even to this day. I have been in therapy consistently for twelve years, and it wasn't until I found my current therapist two and a half years ago, who had knowledge of the mind control experiments, that I have finally been able to make real progress and begin to heal..." (Mind Control Survivors' Testimony at the Human Radiation Experiments Hearings)

Claudia Mullen Testimony
"...I would love nothing more than to say that I dreamed this all up and need to just forget it. But that would be a tragic mistake. It would also be lie. All these atrocities did occur to me and to countless other children, and all under the guise of defending our country. It is because of the cumulative effects of exposure to radiation, chemicals, drugs, pain, subsequent mental and physical distress that I have been robbed of the ability to work and even to bear children of my own. It is blatantly obvious that none of this was needed, nor should ever have been allowed to take place at all, and the only means we have to seek out the awful truth and bring it to light is by opening whatever files remain on all the projects, and through another Presidential Commission on Mind Control..." (Mind Control Survivors' Testimony at the Human Radiation Experiments Hearings)
The Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments was established in 1994 to investigate questions of the record of the United States government with respect to human radiation experiments. The special committee was created by President Bill Clinton in Executive Order 12891, issued January 15, 1994. Ruth Faden of The Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics chaired the committee. Jonathan D. Moreno was a senior staff member of the committee. He later wrote the 1999 book Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans. The thousand-page final report of the Committee was released in October 1995 at a White House ceremony (Wikipedia).

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