"Anyone who nonconsensually violates your brain/mind/mentation using Mengele-like methods is a Nazi pig. You do not care what a Nazi pig thinks. You do not care about a Nazi pig's opinions. You do not respond to a Nazi pig ridiculing you, threatening you, trying to distract you, or otherwise trying to manipulate you. You work to get a Nazi pig hanged." - Allen Barker, NPT Theorem

Monday, July 12, 2010

Article: "Mental Firewalls" by Allen Barker

Bloger's Note: 
This essay is very relevant for targeted individuals not only the ones residing in America but also in Canada.

Source: Part III Mental Firewalls by Allen Barker, Feb 17, 2002

This is the third of a three-part series of essays on mind control. As the earlier essays explained, "mind control" is the term commonly and historically used to describe clandestine operations to alter human behavior and thought. The series focuses mainly on high-technology techniques involving, for example, surveillance devices and electromagnetic weapons -- though victims of all sorts of mind control techniques have common experiences and sequelae. The first essay of the series, "Motives for Mind Control," dealt with some of the reasons that mind control harassment, torture, and exploitation happens and why it continues. The second part, "Resisting the Mind Control State," dealt with ways to protest and resist mind control abuses in a supposedly "free" society. In this final part, I explore some of the methods and techniques that victims have developed to help them resist these ongoing human rights atrocities committed every day against their bodies and minds. In a sense we are going to have a look at mind control torture from the torture victim's point of view, from "inside" the mind of the victim.

This essay is written from the point of view of someone experiencing real torture from externally induced mind control phenomena, including induced voices in the head, surveillance, harassment from various sources, and nonlethal aversive jolts. While I make no secret of the fact that I have personally been subjected to a similar sort of mind control torture, this is not my story. Of course it is influenced by events I have experienced, but the essay is a composite from my interactions with many mind control victims (and provocateurs) over the past few years. I will save the actual details of my own experiences for my lawyers or for prosecutors when that time comes, or perhaps for other writings I might choose to make public. Thus, in keeping with the earlier parts of the series, you do not even have to believe me about my having been tortured -- though it all happened. There are many people in the world, including many American citizens, who have experienced very similar things. You can even think that all of those people made it all up, and still have to be concerned despite your Holocaust denial. The technology undoubtedly exists right now to carry out the sorts of torture operations described in this essay, and will only become more advanced with time.

I cover a lot of different techniques and possibilities in this essay, but keep in mind that the truth is bad enough. What we already know and can document is bad enough, and is only the tip of the iceberg. In the spirit of mentioning all the possibilities, though, let me briefly discuss mental illness here. There truly are some people with mental illnesses which occur naturally. There are also people with mental illnesses which were externally and purposely inflicted, for example by harassment operations. And there are mind control victims who are completely normal except that they have undergone years and years of some of the most hideous torture imaginable -- in a lying, despicable society that denies it, ignores it, and further tortures the victims. We know this from documented sources; what the government has admitted is bad enough. I hope this essay will prove helpful even to victims who suffer from true mental illness. I call them victims also because the cowardly U.S. government has hidden behind the skirts of the mentally ill to commit some of the worst atrocities imaginable, and the truly mentally ill are victimized by this as well. The mentally ill are also known to have been used as guinea pigs in mind control experiments precisely because they would tend to be disbelieved and are relatively powerless victims for torturers to experiment on. Some victims may have been poisoned by drugs engineered to cause them psychological problems -- and I do not mean ordinary street drugs. Others have had psychosurgery, microwave harassment, etc., which can cause organic problems in addition to psychological problems. And of course, the mind is really not separate from the body and psychological torture is just as bad as direct physical torture.

Most people are still free to think what they want -- to the extent that that still means anything -- and some will try to second guess the victims and provide armchair diagnoses of the victims' problems. People who try to dismiss true torture victims as just mentally ill will receive and deserve the utmost contempt from the victims and from those decent people who know what is really going on. And we will remember. For the reasons described in Part II, the psychiatric and psychological "communities" cannot be trusted, except for a few actual healers here and there.

Much of this essay contains a sort of analysis that it is fashionable among the pseudo-intelligentsia to dismiss as just black-and-white thinking. These people have their sixth-grade epiphany that not everything is black-and-white, and for the rest of their lives go around justifying anything convenient with this amoral relativism. They never realize (or it just does not suit their lies) that while nothing is black-and-white, some things are close enough that they might as well be. I will be writing about Nazi pigs, and I mean this in the sense of "Mengele the Nazi pig," not any other cultural pig association. Those who dismiss this sort of thinking perhaps would think differently if they had ever experienced real torture or were capable of the slightest bit of empathy. There is no doubt that this sort of thinking has been misused and misapplied at various times, but I cannot worry about how every moron might misunderstand or misapply what I write. People may well misapply things I have written here, or use them to create some propaganda distraction from what I am actually writing about, but I am describing it the way it is. If you don't call a Nazi a Nazi you end up with Nazism by some other name.

Every victim has had to develop his or her own method of coping with the torture. I am not trying to impose my methods on anyone. A religious person under torture finds strength in his or her religion, so some Zen Buddhist philosophy may necessarily be apparent in my writing. In the ignorant U.S. there are still people who will blame a victim for being Buddhist, a major world religion. Of course Mengele the pig tries to justify and rationalize his acts of torture in any and all ways possible. There are the usual myriad ways of blaming and smearing the victims and rationalizing away the acts of the torturer.

I hope that this essay will help some victims. I know that I have benefited from the work of other victims who had the courage to speak out about their experiences. Much of this essay deals with the mental "game" of mind control, which is of course not a game at all to the torture victims. You can compare it to having to face mock executions each day. There is also the physical intimidation many victims experience. As a victim might put it, if it is all in my head then who harassed me on the highway? Why did my mail all arrive opened? Why did my phone regularly ring twice a day with hang-up calls? Why did many of my internet posts stop propagating anywhere? Why did a police car pull up beside mine every time I talked about China, on the drive to my honeymoon? The unfortunate reality is that the victims have to develop their own methods to deal with the constant, credible physical threats of death or worse. I wish I could help there, but I do what I can. This is a barbaric and savage nation.

What is a Firewall? - For the purposes of this essay, let me digress a bit here and describe the concept of a firewall. A firewall, in the historical sense, is a wall built between connected buildings and specifically constructed so that a fire in one unit of the structure will not spread to the other units. In a more recent sense, a firewall is a device on a computer network that keeps nodes of the network separated, for instance so that a hacker attack on one node of the network cannot spread to connected nodes of the network.

For our purposes, we can consider all the computers on a network to be like houses on a street. (Network engineers, please bear with me.) Each house has several doors into it, which correspond to what are called ports on a networked computer. A computer actually has thousands of ports, but the principle is illustrated by considering a house with several doors. All the houses have inhabitants in them, who send out messengers to the other houses: But some houses send out the equivalent of burglars also. When the inhabitants of one house want to communicate with the inhabitants of another, they send a messenger to a particular door of the house they want to communicate with. The messenger knocks on the door.

Now, the inhabitants of the house can either open the door and let the messenger in or ignore the knock. If they let the messenger in, they can restrict what he is allowed to do while in the house. The messenger may, for example, pick up a piece of paper and carry it back to his house. This would correspond to a file transfer over a network. If the inhabitants of the house accidentally leave a door open, though, a messenger may be able to come in the house without permission and do whatever they like, again without permission. (There are many doors because a messenger occupies a particular door the whole time he is "in the house.")

A firewall, in this analogy, would correspond to a complete facade built around a house (or group of houses, to be picky). The actual house is not even visible from the street. The doors of the original house are only visible to messengers if the inhabitants of the house build corresponding doors in the facade. To enter the house in this scenario, a messenger would have to first knock at some visible door of the facade, be allowed in, and then knock at and be allowed into the actual door of the house. In this way the security of the house is greatly increased from unwanted intrusions. (And you can have a collection of trusted houses "inside the fort" which are less protected from each other.)

The title of this essay, "Mental Firewalls," comes from an article by Timothy L. Thomas which appeared in the Army War College journal Parameters in Spring 1998. It was titled "The Mind Has No Firewalls." The Army has an often honorable tradition going back to the Revolutionary War, the minutemen, and so forth. But it also has had and still has some treason in its ranks. This is just the "ground truth," the "facts on the ground." An army that tortures the domestic population is an occupation army. Treasonous Nazi pigs, in this real sense rather than some spin machine crap or some pathological liar's bullshit, must be dealt with accordingly. This holds for all branches of the military. This holds for law enforcement as well. It holds for all intelligence agencies also. It holds even when they pretend the torture devices "don't exist." Even if the victim does not realize what is happening to him or her, it is still torture. Informed consent must be truly informed. Torturing an American citizen is at least as treasonous as selling the nation's top secrets to a foreign power.

Thomas' article was in fact entered into evidence as part of a lawsuit by Harlan Girard of the International Committee for the Convention Against Offensive Microwave Weapons. The article's central metaphor is that human beings are like the computers on a network, except that they do not have the ability to control the information traffic entering and leaving them. Their ports, or doors, are wide open. This sort of analogy was prevalent during the military "information warfare" buzzword phase, and illustrates the sort of thinking that was going on at the time. [On a note of caution, not all of Thomas' article should be taken literally; whether purposefully or not there is some likely disinfo there.]

Deception Operations Against the Human "Biocomputer" - What is it that corresponds to your reality? What do you perceive, and how do you make your decisions? You receive information through your eyes, ears, and other senses. You read the information from the writers you choose to read, and listen to the speakers you have access to -- very often these days from TV, radio, or the internet. You think to yourself, in your private inner voice. You visualize and imagine. In information warfare against individuals all of these are thought of as nothing but information channels that can be blocked, censored, co-opted, faked, forged, impersonated, or otherwise controlled to manipulate an individual. If you can control all the information an individual receives then you can control their whole perceived reality. Like the hypnotized subject who does something which violates his ethics while being persuaded to imagine he is doing something else entirely, the information warfare subject is acting in a fantasy world created precisely to manipulate him to do what his controllers want. This is known as a deception operation.

Such complete control, as far as I know, is not yet possible, but the principles still hold for whatever approximation can be achieved. And the principles have been put into practice. Of course "information warfare" is a buzzword and most of it is just a take on the ages-old practices of propaganda, lying, and manipulation. But a new buzzword generates funding, and perhaps more importantly serves to morally distance the new "clean" practices from the dirty, filthy business of amorally manipulating human beings like pawns, with complete disregard for unalienable human rights. What was new at the time of information warfare was 1) the internet as a widespread societal force, and 2) the wider development of neuroinfluencing and so-called nonlethal weapons that can directly influence people's brains.

As medicine and technology develop ever more advanced prosthetic devices, people will increasingly become cyborgs -- as is already happening. Because of this trend these issues will become increasingly clear with time. That is, it will become increasingly common to have computer devices implanted in one's body. If someone hacks into your home computer and steals or manipulates your data then a crime has been committed and you should rightly be angry. But if someone hacks into your physical body, brain, and mind the violation is incomparably greater.

The Basic Modern Mind Control Torture Operation - In this section I will describe the basic torture setup used against our hypothetical, composite mind control torture victim. The focus is on the effects that the victim experiences, not necessarily the particular technology that is used to inflict it. Remember in all of this that the torture any individual receives can vary. It will vary according to the torturers' motives and technology, but will also be tailored to the psychology of the victim. What might bother one person would not bother another. The "professional" torturers will start according to how their torture manuals say to go about torturing someone with your profile, but almost all torturers will refine the torture to the individual if they can. As they learn what bothers you they can focus on that more and more in their torture. As you read this, keep that in mind. These torturers are not any different from the sort you might read about in Red Cross literature, who shock the genitals of victims, etc., except that they have access to abuse the most advanced technology and hide behind an evil U.S. government which sinks to the lowest common denominator of the torturers it protects.

First of all, the victim is under constant surveillance. The victim is harassed overtly and covertly, on the street, on internet, etc. All forms of taunting and goading tend to occur. For example, there is a "Marco Polo" type of "can you catch me" taunting. Any and all sorts of high-tech and low-tech harassment are used. (Just because it is sophomoric or pathetic does not mean they will not do it. In fact, this increases the likelihood that the victims will be ridiculed if they complain. Remember the shoe powder to make Castro's beard fall out?) The victim soon has to wonder about everything that breaks or goes wrong in their lives. The harassers use their surveillance to see what troubles the victim is having and then try to "take credit" for causing them. The torturers are often arrogant and even incompetent at their vile torture "jobs" despite using the most advanced technology to commit treason.

The victim is purposely isolated. People close to them are threatened or deceptions are created to make the victim suspect those closest to him or her. Deceptions are launched so victims will blame innocent neighbors for the harassment. (Unfortunately, in the despicable circles of mind control torture, it sometimes is a neighbor or even a close family member that truly is responsible. There might be an out-of-control "safe house" next door, for example.)

The victim is zapped inside his or her home (or a deception operation is launched so the victim thinks this is what is happening). Heart rhythm palpitations induced by remote technology can cause terror to an individual inside his or her home.

The victim's mind is under assault with voice projection, voice cloning. The Village Voice, in an article from July 2001 titled "Psycho Warfare," described an Air Force report uncovered by Nick Begich. Quoting from the article, ...the technology may be able to create high-fidelity speech in humans, "raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction." It may be possible to "talk" to selected adversaries "in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them."

This is exactly what they do, and there are several different technologies documented in the open literature which can achieve this. Some victims may be test cases for such psychological harassment techniques, or the method may already be "perfected" and in covert operational use. [They don't mention this in psych textbooks or in movies about "schizophrenics," do they?]

Twenty-four hours a day, the victim is subjected to commands, ridicule, and distractions inside his or her private mind. How would it feel if you heard a voice in your head asking, "Can you hear this?" as if someone were calibrating a torture device? The brain wants to respond; it was never meant to be violated in these ways. Interrogation. What might bother you? Any secrets, etc., the pigs might tease out and harass you with? Anything that would insult you they could focus on? Anything that might distract you they could keep you distracted with?

Finally, the victims' supposedly private, subvocalized thoughts are somehow read, or inferred and analyzed. There are various levels at which this can occur, from remote heartbeat and eye gaze analysis all the way up to brain implants telemetering EEG signals. Not all victims report this level of surveillance, and certainly just the other harassment techniques mentioned above result in a grotesque human rights abuse. But many victims discover that even their supposedly private thoughts are being violated and manipulated.

Living with Constant Harassment - How do you deal with "ordinary" social interactions with the pigs harassing you constantly in your mind? Do you act "ethically" and warn everyone you interact with that their privacy is also being invaded, by way of you, against your consent? People you interact with either believe you or they don't, but either way the social dynamic is completely changed. The pigs invade the privacy of everyone around you, by using you, even that of your spouse and children. They may also impersonate anyone you see, in your mind, to make it seem as if that person is the one "contacting" you. They try to make it seem like everyone can hear your private thoughts, that you are "broadcasting" to everyone. (Of course some victims might actually be doing that; if they can read your thoughts they could then broadcast them wide-field or local-field...)

What sort of career are you "allowed" to have in a system where your intellectual property is stolen the minute you think it up and where you have to cope with both "regular" harassment as well as harassment in your mind? All this is in addition to the ordinary stresses of the job -- and not to mention that some jobs require actual mental concentration. How sociable are long-term harassment victims with serious cases of Ongoing Traumatic Stress Disorder? In American society there are also plenty of vicious jerks who, while not Nazis or torturers, are quick to sense perceived weaknesses in people and home in on them. The Nazis can often just wound a person and then throw him or her to the sharks, bleeding.

It is natural for humans to think about other people. It is even natural to run a mental simulacrum process to imagine and empathize with other people. Monkey see, monkey do, air guitar, "I was just thinking of you..." etc. The rapist pigs try to turn this against the human beings they torture. Sex is also a natural process, as is farting, masturbation, defecation, burping, spats with people, fantasy, and so forth. The rapist torturers try to turn this against their victims. They constantly attempt to demean their victims. Worrying and anxiety are also normal human emotions. The torturers, though, try to turn all of these human properties against their victims.

One technique the Nazi pigs use is to try to reinforce anything you might worry about or feel anxious about. It is like taking a dynamical system and driving it at its natural frequency in order to purposely destroy it. Of course this is not to say the idiots know anything about dynamical systems. If you ever read Lord of the Flies in junior high school you know about the level that these pig idiots operate at, but when they rape your brain to inflict such ridicule and hatefulness it sets up positive feedback processes in the brain that constitute torture. (If I am teaching these idiots anything by this, then you had better watch out because they have already tortured me.) They will purposely injure you and then pick at your scabs if you start to heal.

This process also happens because you know damn well you are under surveillance and the pig ridicule squad is there to taunt you. Try not thinking about something you are conditioned with "cattle prods" into knowing will result in harassment. You know the torturers will zap you -- that is why they goad you with triggers at times -- but it is like not thinking of a pink elephant on command. Yins produce yangs, so to speak. Transcending the yins and yangs is hard enough without the torture.

The torturers treat your personal, private, internal speech as if it were your public speech. They try to subject you to all the ignorance and "political correctness" and everything else that someone at a podium in a public place might be subjected to. The sadist nanny state is not just concerned with what you say in your own home, they want to regulate what you think inside your head also. That can really cause your "moron anticipator" thought pattern to distract from your normal private thinking, because you cannot even think your private thoughts without knowing they will be "reviewed" for you by rapist morons.

The Possibility of Magician-Like Illusions to Deceive Victims - The technology for thought inference does exist, but it is important to keep in mind the ways in which magician-like deception operations can be applied to a person to make it seem to them that their mind is being read. While some victims' thoughts are read, all of these techniques have likely been tested on nonconsenting American citizens. The classic example is where the "magician" first subliminally "inserts" a thought into a victims brain and then later the magician "reveals" what the person was thinking. By waving his hands and strongly suggesting to the victim that his thoughts are being read, the victim sees the phony "evidence" and tends to believe that is what is happening. The outrage, indignation, and terror responses the victim is feeling will also tend to interfere with his or her reasoning processes. Advanced profiling and prediction, based on standard surveillance techniques, is another possible means for deceiving a person into thinking their mind is being read. While some victims have undoubtedly had such deceptions inflicted on them, the black budget torturers -- before they will admit the true extent of technological advancement -- will likely try to claim this is what was done in all cases. Purposefully setting up the illusion of mind reading on a victim, though, is every bit as despicable and criminal as actually doing it.

The setup for the elementary example above can be carried out with only a basic voice-to-skull projection device with the victim in range for some period of time. Suppose you wanted the victim to think about blue violets, for example. You could beam at the victim very quiet suggestions of "blue violet." You could send them a song that they thought just got stuck in their heads. You could use voice cloning technology and try to fake their own voice in their head. Another technique is to transmit a word or phrase that is closely associated with what you want the victim to think about or do, and let their brain's associative memory do the rest. Now, after the subliminal send, the tension and drama build until the sadist magician culminates this particular deception operation against the mark (a.k.a. human being). The magician sends an email to, say, a public mailing list the victim is known to read. In the text of the message the magician works in the phrase "blue violet" -- perhaps combined with a subtle threat.

Multiple Victims, Multiple Perpetrators - The above example is only the most elementary, of course. What if two victims were interacting, how could a pair of them be manipulated? The variations include two nonconsensual victims, or a consensual harasser messing with a nonconsensual victim. There are also witting and unwitting victims; some have figured out parts of what is going on (intended or not) while others have not. Some have been purposely duped into misinterpreting what is going on -- they may think they are psychic, for example. What about wide-field projection devices? If two interacting people are given the same subliminal stimuli, how might they interpret it? If you weren't paying close attention, would you know if you were the sender or the receiver? Especially if the manipulation continued for a long period without your awareness, perhaps even from childhood. When PTSD is purposely induced, the victim is that much more susceptible. Then you can consider the case where there are far more than two victims interacting: a society of would-be slavemasters and those they would hold as slaves. The general situation involves multiple victims and multiple perpetrators, all interacting.

There are many, many different scenarios. I even considered writing an academic paper on the topic, something like "Mind Control Games People Play." Suppose you assume a particular set of technologies is available. What logically follows from that? It is like science fiction except that the reality these days is beyond science fiction. The military might call it wargaming. It is amazing the hideous sorts of operations that are possible with only your basic secret video/audio surveillance of an individual. Now assume that a targetable voice projection device exists. What could the people controlling it do in the worst case? What sorts of deceptions could they carry out? What countermeasures could be adopted? When it really does exist and the consequences are so far-reaching, isn't it unconscionable to leave the public in the dark about it? Could a politician resist abusing this secret power?

For the purposes of the rest of this essay I will assume our composite victim has been "injected" or implanted somehow with a "brain bug" that transmits tracking information as well as audio and video of the sights, sounds, and internal subvocalized "thoughts" the nonconsenting victim experiences. This is something like an advanced form of the CIA's "Acoustic Kitty" project from the 1960s, where a cat was wired up as a motor-controlled listening device to be used in spying. The difference is many years of technological refinement -- integrated circuits were not even available then, let alone nano-scale devices -- and the obvious difference that a human being is being tortured. I assume that this device can also inject sounds which the victim perceives as if he or she "heard" or "thought" them in internal speech. This is somewhat less control than what some victims report experiencing, but nonetheless is sufficient to illustrate most of the methods. Even if such devices are not available to some particular group, variations of most of the techniques can be created by lower-tech methods like standard surveillance devices and external "zapping" or voice projection devices which are publicly known to exist. The point is not the particular technological implementation, but what the victim experiences.

The Realtime Idiot and the Autopig - The term I use for an external voice projected into a victim's mind is the realtime idiot. For an illustration of what the realtime idiots "seem like," consider a secret studio like at a radio station. The "DJs" in this case are the rapists "monitors" who sit and listen to the violated thoughts of the victim. These torturers also have microphones where they can "converse" with the unfortunate victim in realtime. The victim hears these transmitted voices in his or her head. Perhaps the rapists also have a virtual reality computer display of everything the victim is doing at the time, or even a display of exactly what the victim "sees" through his or her eyes. Any thoughts the victim has, the realtime idiots try to pretend it is like a conversation with them. You could not think a rhetorical question to yourself in your own private thoughts without the realtime idiot's comments. You could not pause for a moment of silent mental reflection. They comment on things, they harass, they goad, they distract, they try to issue "commands," they attempt to demean the victims ("Go brush your teeth"). This all while the victim tries to live his or her regular, "ordinary" life and interact in the phony society.

At this point I have described the technique whereby Nazi pigs beam words and voices into the mind of the victims in order to harass and torture them. This requires too many low-level Auschwitz guards, though. These dumb sadists may get drunk and start talking, or they may get religion and try to expose their former activities. The need for personnel also limits the number of victims, or "subscribers," who can be controlled by the system. The American answer, of course, is to use technology to automate the process and increase productivity. This results in a device I call the autopig (or the Cameron/Delgado memorial autopig).

The autopig at its simplest is just a digital recorder that sends fixed "messages" to the victims at random times. This is very similar to Cameron's psychic driving torture that he inflicted on people coming in for psychiatric health care. I sometimes call these random "pulses" Bergeron pulses after Vonnegut's short story "Harrison Bergeron" (not the movie, which is good but different from the short story). In the story all people were forced to be "equal" by handicapping those with exceptional abilities, and strong thinkers had to wear a device which would periodically emit a loud tone designed to disrupt the their thought stream.

Of course an autopig could also be used as a computer-aided torture device so that a single human torturer could switch between victims, secure in knowing that none of them was being left alone in their "private" minds. The Delgado part comes in when the device gets feedback from the victim's brain and sends an "appropriate" message. That is, the sensor system analyzes the brain rape data, an AI-like algorithm decides what sort of response to send to the victim, and then the digital voice simulator constructs it and sends it. Thus each victim has his or her own "electric fence" or something like the invisible fencing they use on dogs but more technologically sophisticated. (You can consider things like stateful autopigs and stateless, or memoryless, autopigs, and so forth. It is basic engineering.)

Besides realtime idiots and autopigs, there is something I call a Delgado button. A Delgado button is a button the harassers can press and which stimulates some part of the brain. There may be many Delgado buttons, for example, and the harassers learn what each one does empirically by observing the victims. To the victim a Delgado button would just feel like some sensation, experience, or emotion came over them all of a sudden. It might occur at a particularly inappropriate time, for example. It might also serve as a distraction when the pigs wanted to stop some particular thought train you were having. It might be difficult to notice; some subjects in published research would rationalize such induced behaviors and say that they just decided to do whatever behavior the buttons evoked. A Delgado button also need not literally be a button and a brain electrode, it could also be something like a microwave beam at a particular frequency and with a particular modulation aimed at a person. Metaphorically there can also be conditioned "software" Delgado buttons in addition to the hardware wired-in electrode buttons.

Data Analysis Under Torture - Now that I have described the basic mind control operation, in this section I consider the problem of data analysis for a victim of such crimes. Don't blame the victims; try to understand the hideous position they were thrown into and which they in no way got to choose. Naive science-dude has probably not spent 5 minutes considering what victims are forced to agonize over for years. The situation is closer to game theory with a malicious "opponent" rather than to the usual study of natural science, where natural phenomena are considered to be repeatable (or at least indifferent).

The victims must rely mostly on their own sensations and introspection; that is just the nature of this sort of advanced, secret torture. This is not to say that evidence of the "ordinary" sorts of harassment should not be collected, or that a breakthrough will not occur and someone will learn how to detect whatever signals or devices are used to inflict the mind control torture and make it available to the victims. The first challenge for the victim, though, is just to figure out what is really going on. Many do not even have the language to describe what is happening to them. They have to see beyond the stagecraft ("tradecraft") of the Nazi technical illusionists. The victims need to live their lives each day with whatever mental firewall countermeasures they can adopt in their minds. Beyond this they can gather evidence to convince other people or for a lawsuit. They will discover, though, that for the time being the court system, like the psychiatric system, is part of the problem.

How many times does someone have to beam a clearly external voice into your head before you have to question all your thoughts? Not too many times, once really. Some victims of this "one-shot" voice projection mind control may still suffer for years. When will you believe they are not reading your thoughts or that they are not trying to manipulate you? When the truth commission reveals the crimes? No, you will never believe them again once you know how the pigs operate. Most victims suffer from far more than just one voice projection experience, though.

Internal and External Thoughts and Sensory Inputs - Inside the mind, the torture victims really are human beings just like everyone else (even though they are treated worse than anyone would treat a dog). They see with their eyes, hear with their ears, etc., have internal dialogs thinking about things, sparks of intuition, and all the usual features of the human mind. As mentioned earlier, these are the processes the mind controllers attempt to hijack. For the victims we can consider that their thoughts fall into three categories: internals, conditioned internals, and externals.

An internal is a normal, natural thought grounded in external sensory input that the person consensually engages in. The usual thought model that most people have the luxury of believing is that all of their interactions are consensual and that their private thoughts are actually private and not tampered with. That is, they only experience internals.

An external is a nonconsensual input, like Cameron's psychic driving where a person is strapped down and forced to listen to manipulative recording loops. In the modern sense, the externals are the voices projected into a person's mind from an external source. (You can theoretically have consensual externals, even of this sort, but the victims certainly never saw a consent form and you'd be a fool to consent to having the pigs the victims are familiar with have anything to do with your mind.) The signal from a programmed autopig chip in the head would also count as an external. An external could also be an email from a Nazi that is based on mind-raped data. Any normally consensual interaction becomes an external when mind-raped data or psychological triggers are purposely embedded there.

A conditioned internal, in the sense being discussed here, is an internal thought process that is a direct result of the torture by externals. The mental "fruit of the poisoned tree," so to speak. After a week or so of having "you are a good marine" drilled into your head from nonconsensual externals, then when the machine is turned off there will likely still be the tendency to hear the phrase. (Besides whatever other damage such harassment causes.) This is especially true if the conditioning was specifically focused on certain stimuli -- though random stimuli also become conditioned in the same way that a bell ring is associated to the bowl of food by the salivating dog. A similar-sounding phrase, for example, can serve as a trigger for a conditioned internal. Conditioning during trauma is also strong and long-lasting and can bring back vivid feelings of the original torture experience.

The manipulators can probably get some unwitting victims to march around their own homes like controlled robots. People's sensitivity to what is internal or external "in their head" would vary according to the person. Age, length of abuse, and the particular technology and techniques used would also influence who becomes "witting nonconsensual." Perhaps this is a part of what determines who they harass and try to "break" and who they secretly control. Those susceptible to hypnosis might be especially vulnerable, and some victims may be influenced only while they sleep. (Is it terrorism to call for blowing up a Nazi torture center that "doesn't exist"?)

The Protocol - A way to verify that a signal is purely external is via the protocol. This protocol assumes you have a cooperative person on the other end of the external channel you wish to authenticate. In practice, what you learn is that if there is such an external channel you do not have a "friendly witting" on the other end. (And victims know from long experience that there is such an external channel.) That is, the protocol is a way that a "friendly witting" could authenticate to you the existence of an information channel that supposedly "doesn't exist."

If you have visual, auditory, or tactile contact with a person the protocol is easy. (It is better if they cannot see or hear you, since that constitutes another, uncontrolled data path.) Suppose you can hear a person talking. Then the protocol is to think to yourself something like, "say 4533." You may wish to choose something else they could say without attracting attention, if that is a problem, but be sure it is something which is very unlikely without a mental send. Count, say, five seconds for a response. Either they hear your thoughts or not, and they either respond or not. In this case the channel is specific to a person and may not exist or the person may not be a "friendly." For visual contact the situation is similar, you can think something like, "hold up three fingers." Notice that this protocol also works for something like listening to a realtime broadcast such as radio. A similar protocol works for written media, think "write the number 6423" and email it to me or put it in your newspaper column. Note, though, that in all cases there may still be a hidden "man in the middle."

You can actually verify a pure external send and receive without visual, auditory, or tactile contact. Just the "mental" contact. This applies to anyone and everyone who can hear your thoughts and send a reply. It requires that you have a calculator, and a cooperative person with a calculator on the other end of the channel. The protocol is, "What is the cosine of 1999?" The first four digits after the decimal, in radians, one at a time. If the pigs cannot send that data they are either retarded or engaging in a conspiracy. There are a couple of other possibilities, including pure internals, but the point is to have a cryptographic authentication challenge to verify a pure external send and receive. Anyone can punch the buttons 1, 9, 9, 9, cos on a calculator. I do not know the answer, but I can check it easily. [You should change the number 1999 to something else for your own protocol, since you want to be able to conclude a pure external read and send. The number is something you only think "to yourself," and choose a new challenge number each time you check a response with a calculator.]

They never send valid four-digit numeric data, let alone the correct answer. They do send numerics, though, and could presumably program the answer into the autopig. And they get sloppy sometimes and you get a good strong piece of data that indicates external reads and sends, even though they do not send the protocol. This is one reason such a protocol is useful: It illustrates what the ideal data would look like for a remote read and send, and can help clarify more ambiguous situations. But keep in mind possible magician-like deceptions as were mentioned earlier.

The Calibration Problem - In evaluating uncertain data in the real world, including that from hostile sources, it is important to calibrate the expected level of background noise. If you are reading the torture between the lines, you also need to keep your head and not go off on too much unconnected symbolism. Keep this in mind when reading items that truly could not possibly relate to you or your situation. This gives you an idea of the basic background level for symbols, etc., to appear. Keep a threshold and discard any questionable data. The good data points tend to be frequent enough, and at some point even they do not tell you much you do not already know.

As an example, suppose you cursed the pigs, just in your head, sometimes. If you get them angry they sometimes screw up. Say you were taunting them by asking them whether they picked up your thoughts in Niger (as an random example of a far-off place). By the way, you can taunt them all you want in your head, since it is only you and the Nazis there. Likewise, curse the pigs that bug your house all you want. They just do not seem to understand that if they reveal anything they know about your private mentation or private conversations in your home they cannot call you crazy. It would be like entering the FBI tapes of Martin Luther King saying the FBI was out to get him as evidence that he was paranoid. "The voice in my head said I was crazy." Back to the Niger example, suppose you then get email from someone claiming to be a victim, who has a name very similar to yours, and who claims that he went to Niger and could not escape the harassment. That seems pretty unlikely for a coincidence. Then the question is, is the person a witting or unwitting harassment agent, i.e., is it another victim manipulated into harassing you or is it a cointelpro agent? How many people have been to Niger? Many victims are understandably afraid to talk about such experiences, though.

Reasoning Under Uncertainty - One thing that the mind controllers do -- and which manipulators and propagandists have done for all time -- is to exploit weaknesses in human reasoning. The brain is a fantastic, beautiful organ of the human body; no human being on the earth should ever be tortured. But humans also tend to have some weaknesses in evaluating data compared to, say, a mathematical algorithm. One difficulty lies in dealing with uncertainty. The mind control victim is literally overwhelmed with uncertainty and must sort things out as best as he or she can. The victim has to consider every weird thing that has ever happened to him or her, whether it is related, and knowing that the mind rapists will see this thought process and try to reinforce any misconceptions. Another difficulty is dealing with distractions, especially when they come in on a hostile "channel" that the brain was never meant to be accessed on. Proportionality and scale are another difficulty, and people tend to think binary rather than continuous, and one-dimensional rather than multi-dimensional. People often have a tendency toward superstitious thinking. Finally, in a social sense, people are very bad at dealing with big lies, i.e., conspiracies of liars.

Understand aggregate statistics. You can sometimes reason better with them. As an example, you know that there are some people in the world you can trust; you just don't know exactly which ones they are. You can often estimate aggregate statistics better, since if you get one wrong here or there it all averages out. Suppose you estimate, based on a great deal of data, that posters on some mailing list are, say, 40% agents and provocateurs, 35% real victims and activists, 15% who probably consider themselves scientific, nonsuperstitious thinkers looking for the truth, and another 10% who are unclassifiable. There are some who you are sure enough about to not worry with percentages, but in general any particular person on that list is "suspect." Nonetheless, the list can still function as a way to reach and connect the 35% of mind control victims and activists. It may also serve as a way to convince and educate some of the actual open-minded decent people who are not mind control victims. Another use of aggregate statistics is to reason from historical records. We know that there are thousands of mind control victims in the population, at the least. We just do not know which particular people claiming to be victims are the actual victims (or which still unwitting people were/are victims). Never forget the humanity of the real human beings involved in the statistics, though.

The Asymmetry of Dignity - You are a human being with unalienable human rights. Unalienable means that they cannot be taken away. They can be violated, infringed, ignored, and even legislated away, but the acts of a tyrant do not change the fact that you are a human being with unalienable human rights. This means that the tyrant is always a tyrant, and remains a tyrant, to meet the fate of tyrants. The same holds for the lackeys and collaborators of tyrants. This is a fundamental asymmetry between the citizen and the tyrant.

Torture demeans the torturer. The dignity of the torture victim cannot be taken away by the torturer, but the act of torture destroys the dignity of the torturer. This is not enough punishment for such hideous crimes, but gives cause to pity the torturer even as you work to hang the pig. Let me explain about what I mean about justice for the victims of these treasonous Nazis, who commit crimes against their fellow American citizens in peacetime which would be war crimes even against an enemy in warfare. Under a legitimate government such people would receive life sentences in a humane prison system. That would be my preference, but the United States currently has neither. So when I talk about hanging the pigs I am referring to whatever justice-type processes can be set into motion. That was the subject of Part II. Get the right ones. We will not forget, and when these pigs are 75 years old they are still Nazi pigs and still serve the rest of their worthless lives in a humane prison cell if such exists. The legitimate government treats mind control torture like the true crime it is, even when government agents are involved in committing the crimes.

You have absolute free mentation in your brain and mind. Your freedom of thought is unalienable.

The Nazi Pig Theorem - The adjective Auschwitz-level to describe these crimes is not hyperbole. If you do not feel like you need to vomit you probably do not really understand the full sickness of mind control crimes. Gordon Thomas wrote in the introduction to his book Journey Into Madness: The True Story of CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse:

In working on this book I have had to come to terms with my own emotions -- disbelief, bewilderment, disgust, and anger and, more than once in the early stages, a feeling that the subject was simply too evil to cope with. Nothing I had researched before could have prepared me for the dark reality of doctors who set out to deliberately destroy minds and bodies they were trained to heal.

Torturers can never blame their victims, though they invariably try. These torturers are the sorts of people who will repeatedly hit a bound and gagged victim with a stick and then try to claim the victim caused it. They'll steal from you and then complain about the property they stole; they'll rape you and sneer at the quality of the "sex."

This brings me to what I refer to as the Nazi Pig Theorem (NPT). Strictly speaking it is a metaphorical axiom, but it can be very useful to the torture victim. It basically asserts that if you act like Mengele then you are a Nazi pig. Then there are a few obvious conclusions that are also part of the "theorem."

The Nazi Pig Theorem (NPT): Anyone who nonconsensually violates your brain/mind/mentation using Mengele-like methods is a Nazi pig. You do not care what a Nazi pig thinks. You do not care a Nazi pig's opinions. You do not respond to a Nazi pig ridiculing you, threatening you, trying to distract you, or otherwise trying to manipulate you. You work to get a Nazi pig hanged.

Isn't that obvious? Don't you believe it? Then remember it and act like you know it. NPT is as sharp as a razor.  The contrapositive of NPT is also useful: If they are not Nazi pigs then they are not raping your brain. So you can think anything about anyone; it's just you and the Nazis in your mind, and their opinions do not matter at all. If you have a passing thought about someone and the Nazis try to harass you with it or make you feel guilty about it, it does not matter. The Nazi pigs' opinions do not matter (unless they somehow help to get the pigs hanged). If you think some thought about someone who really is raping your brain, then you have some worse things to think about that Nazi piece of human garbage than what floated through your brain originally.

One use of the Nazi Pig Theorem is to try to go on with ordinary life even as you are being tortured and you know the true, evil nature of the society you are living in. Spend some time each day working for justice in the physical world, and the rest of the time try to ignore the Nazi pigs and get on with your life as best as you can. My philosophy is basically to wish people well, and any differences I have had with people are all water under the bridge after not too long. But atrocities never, ever pass under the bridge. The victims never forget, and never should forget. Of course any victim is free to choose to forgive his or her torturers, but for torturers to lecture their victims about forgiveness is the "Christianity" of the oppressor. Forgiveness also does not preclude justice.

The unfortunate reality is that when dealing with anyone, they are either a Nazi or a non-Nazi. Torture makes it that clear. This is the top node of the decision tree for the torture victim, and it is a stark split. The following diagram illustrates the split:

That is clear enough. Of course the difficult part is that you do not know exactly who is a Nazi pig and who is not. So you might start off with a reasonable benefit of the doubt and collect evidence from there to update your current assumptions. But how do you deal with someone you think has a 10% chance of being a Nazi pig? How do you deal with someone you think has an 80% chance of being a Nazi pig? That is your own utility/decision function and it is not easy. People have to make decisions based on imperfect information all the time, but this purposefully inflicted torture pushes it past what people are accustomed to have to deal with in ordinary situations. Nonetheless, the government is accountable for the aggregate situation where torture occurs regularly and systematically in American society.

The NPT is your firewall. As a corollary, the external firewall theorem states that you do not care in the slightest bit what Mengele thinks. Analyze the external incomings for nature and source, as well as for other evidence if you choose to, and then send them straight to your mental /dev/null. Then work each day to get the pigs hanged in the real world, in the best way you can figure to do it (see Part II). There is also an internal firewall theorem: Your brain is your own to think whatever you want with. Simply invoke IFT and think about something entirely different if you are thinking something that you don't want to be thinking about. Train yourself toward that, at any rate.

Some Suggestions for Thinking about the Harassment - The way to think of a nonconsensual external is as an advanced cattle prod that can be modulated in various ways to cause you pain. The modulation happens to be with words or clicks, but that is secondary. It is a modulated cattle prod. Notice it and try to get a feel for the nature and source of the signal. Where does it seem to be coming from? What is the quality of the signal? Later you can analyze the psyop sentence the pigs modulated onto the cattle prod signal if you feel like it. (This may reveal more about them than about you; the modulation is based on "you" reflected off of their filthy Nazi distorting mirror -- with their intention being to cause you harm.) You might keep a rough histogram count on the autopig phrases, for example. Does the signal ever have a foreign accent or speak a foreign language? Probably not. But basically understand that the Nazi pigs are complete, pathological liars. If they flatter you one second they'll kick you in the head three beats later, you can almost count on it. Pathological liars only tell the nominal truth as part of a larger lie, and the purpose is to destroy your mental well-being and your life.

Source before semantics (signal before semantics). The source is where the signal comes from, both the "person" sending it and the sensory input method by which you receive it. The semantics is the meaning of the signal: it is the interpretation of the signal and its modulation. For example, the semantics of a signal will often be its interpretation as an English sentence. If the signal comes in on a rape channel, do not even give it a semantics except perhaps as part of an evidence-gathering process. It is just a sensation you feel from the external cattle prod. The presence of the nonconsensual external signal itself is torture and is the only real information, since the modulation is by pathological liars whose intention is to cause you harm.

Don't debate the autopig (or the realtime idiot). Even if it's easy. (Unless you feel like it.) They hate it when you ignore them. Go on with your ordinary life, meeting people, etc., and especially speaking out and working for justice in the real world. You can only really ignore them when you know what is going on, though. Some of the people who they march around their own homes like robots probably think they are just ignoring it. There is a big difference between an experienced victim deciding to ignore future signals and some well-meaning advice-giver who has never been tortured telling you to "just ignore it."

If it is indistinguishable from an autopig, treat it as if it were an autopig. With some basic voice-recognition type software applied to raped subvocalized thoughts, I could write an AI-like program that sounded just like the repetitive, simple-patterned Nazi pigs I am familiar with. In this sense, the realtime idiots do not even pass the Turing test. Actual people (who are not torturers) have names, they do not repeat things endlessly, they think things other than harassing you and commenting on your thoughts, and they can push a few calculator buttons. For instance, why do you never hear someone driving their car down the street thinking "use a turn signal, you asshole"?

Don't explain your thinking to the Nazi pigs, it is better if they misunderstand what they rape from you. By default you are only ever thinking to yourself. Work toward the rapid extinction of the Nazi conditioning imposed on you, at least as rapidly as you can manage. Try to extinguish your conditioned responses and replace them with only an awareness of the triggering sensation. Some are random events acting as triggers, while others are purposely inflicted.

It may help to write about what you experience or keep a journal. There are pros and cons to this, though, since the pigs will have access to what you write also. It might provide them with feedback to help them torture you or others. If you complain about something they will almost surely start doing it to you more. You have to weigh whether writing about it helps you to deal with it, like when you can share it with other people or when you see how stupid it really looks when written out. Stupidity is no barrier to the torturers, in fact it is part of the torture. For example, if you make a self-deprecating joke it will not be long before the pigs are goading you with the subject of that joke for real. Of course much of the torture is never anything clever the torturers do, but your own knowledge that these people who do not even know you nonetheless hate you enough to violate your mind and then go to a great deal of effort to try to inflict serious harm on you -- often seemingly for their own entertainment.

Try tuning out the pigs like you might cure yourself of hiccups. It might work, or at least help you train yourself to ignore the pigs. Notice the nature and source of the signals, the mental gnats meant to annoy you. Parasitic mind fleas. If you think like the monkey, you'll be as dumb as the monkey. If you watch that TV too much you'll be as dumb as the morons on it. They will entertain you right into digging your own grave.

How Can a Society I Detest Defile Me? - How do you deal with a secrecy-bred society of dumb-as-cows "innocent" people, Nazi pigs, and victims? Or the collaborators, apologists, and profiteers? What about the people who idiotically ask, "Why are you ongoing torture victims so obsessed with your torture (and human rights, etc.)?" The social system where no one can talk about the elephant in the living room, even though many people know at least that something is there. Did people not get born with tongues to speak with? Or is this a conspiracy of idiots and cowards? What the hell is wrong with these people? What kind of people complacently live in a society where torture regularly and systematically occurs, pretending it doesn't? Is it still that old pig slaver mentality, or the ability to look away from such abominations as an everyday thing? For centuries it was forbidden to teach slaves basic skills like reading. Is it better if you can read but only have access to lies?

Every day for the mind control victims, it is like the rape victim who has to go out and interact in the society where her rapist is still at large. The difference is that there is a whole conspiracy of rapists and they rape the victims each and every day. So perhaps it is closer to what were euphemistically called "comfort girls." How do you think it feels to wake up with a pig in your head? Is that the only alternative to being dumb as a cow and wearing a gag in this society? The "consensus reality" of the average citizen is far, far from the real truth on the ground.

Americans are the best liars and biggest hypocrites on the planet. They will probably even be flattered by that description. They love being number one, after all. Hypocrisy is like lies, in the sense that there is ordinary hypocrisy and there is big hypocrisy. If you credibly call an American a big-sense hypocrite they will often start spewing propaganda that celebrates ordinary, everyday hypocrisy like not telling someone their new haircut looks bad. Americans want to be both peepers and prudes, they want to rig the game and call it free enterprise, and they want to be known for freedom and liberty regardless of any domestic atrocities they commit. You can never un-torture someone.

If people are capable of outrage there will be far fewer outrages. How dare those pigs do that to anybody.


For victims:

If it's not useful or enjoyable or necessary, it's a worthless thought.
Zap it out of existence with IFT and think something else.

Truly internal, self-mind control is a good thing;
external nonconsensual mind control is Mengele-like torture.

No nens follow from nonconsensual externals,
     except perhaps one to put it in the trash can
     or a few to analyze it for evidence, nature and source.
But think anything you want. I curse the pigshit Nazis sometimes.
Focus your anger.

Ah, how sad it is, Auschwitz in the springtime...
One springtime
after another


You will feel stronger some days, fatigued others
If this essay helps you, read it again when you need a reminder
The Nazi harassment never reflects on you

Monday, May 10, 2010

McKinney Report: Microwave Harassment and Mind Control part two

PART II -- OVERT AND COVERT HARASSMENT OVERT HARASSMENT - Since publication of the preceding article less than four months ago, the association of National Security Alumni/Electronic Surveillance Project has heard from an additional 13 individuals who report both overt harassment and a range of symptoms which coincide with the known effects of exposure to microwaves, electromagnetic/radio frequency (RF) radiation and/or infrasound. The similarity of these symptoms will be addressed in greater detail in future Project reports. Suffice it to say, at this point, that the physical and psychological symptoms being reported to us are consistent with the effects which directed-energy weapons are designed to produce. Indeed, the numerous afflictions (or "inflictions") being reported appear to parallel standard torture "sequelae,"(1) (aftereffects).

Overt Harassment -- which obviously is meant to be observed -- may be intended to "precondition" individuals for eventual long-term electronic harassment. Persons terrified by unexplained overt harassment are not likely to cope with the sudden onset of electronic harassment in any more reasoned fashion. This phased pattern of harassment is apparent in all of the cases now being investigated. The fact that the overt harassment continues in these cases even after the electronic targeting commences suggest that the objective is to maintain long-term extremes of stress.

Many of the overt harassment tactics discussed below are surfacing in cases which (so far) have not involved discernible forms of electronic harassment. These are cases involving so-called "whistleblowers" who, because of their inside knowledge of certain potentially newsworthy events, pose particular threats of embarrassment to the Government or to government-affiliated employers. We have noticed that electronic harassment is beginning to surface as a form of retaliation against persons who try to assist electronic "harassees." Retaliation suggest loss of control. Under these circumstances, we are not entirely confident that "whistleblowers" will continue to be exempted from this type of harassment in the long term.

The individuals now in touch with the Project describe their circumstances as involving most, if not all, of the following overt forms of harassment: Sudden, bizarrely-rude treatment, isolation and acts of harassment and vandalism by formerly friendly neighbors. Harassing telephone calls, which continue even after the targeted individual obtains new, unlisted telephone numbers. Mail interception, theft and tampering. Noise campaigns. While unrelenting harassing telephone calls might be considered in his context, other tactics are employed. Blaring horns, whistles, sirens, garbage disposal (run concurrently in apartment settings, for excessively prolonged periods of time), and amplified transmissions of recorded "general racket" have been used on a recurrent basis under circumstances intended to persuade the individual that he or she is under surveillance.

In all of these cases, the individuals' neighbors apparently pretend to be oblivious and/or indifferent to these sudden, continuous explosions of noise. Door slamming is also a popular pastime, particularly in apartment buildings. One individual reported that, during a peak period of harassment, the neighbor across the hall began entering and leaving his apartment every 10 minutes, slamming his door loudly on each occasion. This was a daily occurrence, encompassing periods of several hours, over a period of several months. It is apparently served to trigger a door-slamming "chain reaction" on the part of neighbors both on that floor and on the floors immediately above and below. When our contact politely asked her immediate neighbor to close her door more quietly, he slammed the door in her face. Prior to commencement of this harassment, the neighbor had apparently been quite friendly and courteous.

In another case, the primary door-slammer is an employee of Radix Systems, Inc., Rockville, MD, a DoD contractor engaged in the "super-secret" research and development of some type of electronic equipment. Several individuals reported recurrent, loud, strange noises in their ventilation systems during the preliminary stages of their harassment. One individual complained of being recurrently awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of wires being fed into his (independent) ventilation system. On checking further, he found that a tubular construction had been built into his vent system which appears to lead to the apartment upstairs. His upstairs neighbor is employed by the Department of Justice. A number of individuals report that occupants of upstairs and downstairs apartments appear to follow them from room to room, tapping on the floor or engaging in other activities which appear intended to advertise an ongoing surveillance.

The Justice Department employee mentioned above went as far as to offer an unsolicited apology to her downstairs neighbor for an all-night "pacing about" in her bedroom (in the event he had happened to notice it). She claimed to be an insomniac. The pacing-about continued during her recent 36-hour absence from the area. When her contact politely alerted her to the fact that her apartment had apparently been entered during her absence, she told him, in effect, to mind his own business and then immediately complained to the building manager that he was stalking her. She conveniently forgot to inform the building manager that she had assiduously "courted" this individual for several months, without success; and that she had been stealing his newspapers on a regular basis. (On one occasion, she handed him a week's accumulation of those papers, claiming that they had been left outside the door of another apartment. Her reason for collecting and saving the newspapers which had not been delivered to her directly is unknown.) Recurrent confrontations by unusually hostile strangers; and comments by strangers which appear intended to evoke "paranoid" reactions.

In this context, we note that several individuals have reported confrontations with "homeless" people who, on closer examination, were found to be fastidiously clean, though garbed in offbeat fashion (wigs included). The same "eccentric" confronted two of the individuals in contact with us, at separate distant locations. He is reported as having feigned mental illness on both occasions, and as having apparently enjoyed creating a public scene. Entries into the individual's residence, during late-night hours while he/she is sleeping, and/or during the day when the individual is elsewhere. In virtually all such cases, the burglars leave evidence of their visits, such as relocating objects, or by committing petty and not-so=petty acts of vandalism.

In two cases, the burglar's "calling card" was to slaughter caged pets, leaving the mangled carcasses inside their locked cages. In one case, the burglar stole several pieces of correspondence and left a packet of crack cocaine behind as a "calling card." Our contact in this case -- an individual who has no criminal record and no history of experimentation with drugs -- is also being harassed (stalked) by a police officer of her community. One of his recent acts was to "frame" her with a drug possession charge. After pulling her off the road (a frequent pastime) and subjecting her to an illegal search (done, twice, so far), he conveniently managed to find a glassine packet of cocaine eight feet away, in front of his squad car. He retrieved the packet with his fingers and then charged her with Possession. Our contact found the packet of crack cocaine in her apartment shortly after this investigator reminded the attorney handling her case that the police officer had smudged his only piece of evidence with his own fingerprints. It would appear that someone is interested in correcting that police officer's oversight.

In another case, the individual reports that a tremendous amount of money has been stolen from a hiding place in her apartment, within hours after she had withdrawn the money from her bank. There was no obvious signs of entry into her apartment. The police conducted a cursory inquiry which failed to produce evidence of a crime worthy of investigation. (This case is an anomaly. Money is usually not stolen. Documents appear to be the preferred objects of theft, when theft occur.) In another case, the burglars replaced installed lightbulbs with "exploding" bulbs, many of which were 'Made in Hungary.' The lightbulbs are now in our possession. Rapidly deteriorating health, generally of a digestive nature. In two cases of the cases reported, massive rectal bleeding accompanied the sudden onset of sever gastrointestinal disturbances. One of these individuals abruptly terminated the deteriorative process simply by changing the locks on her door.

Sleep disruption/deprivation - This is achieved by means of overt and electronic harassment. Sleep deprivation, as a tactic, invariably surfaces when the targeted individual begins exhibiting a strong emotional and irrational response to the other forms of harassment.

Vandalism of privately-owned vehicles - Vehicles invite peculiarly ferocious attacks in these harassment campaigns -- slashed tires, smashed windows, oil drainage, oil contamination, destruction of electronic components and batteries involving wildly fluctuating, grounded fuel gages, often within range of weapons research facilities and/or other microwave emitters); and suddenly failed brakes and clutches (possible involving anti-traction polymers, which are also in DoD's "non-lethal" weapons arsenal). Recurrent auto thefts have also been reported. Two individuals reported finding their oil contaminated immediatelyafter having the oil changed by reputable mechanics. In one of these cases, the oil viscosified (thickened) while the individual was driving through a remote rural area. Her car ground to a halt. Getting the "gunk"

cleaned out of her engine proved to be an expensive ordeal. (Viscosification agents are also lauded by the U.S. Global Strategy Council as serving "non-lethal" strategic purposes -- a topic discussed in Part I of this publication. Had this woman been assaulted while awaiting help in the said isolated area, the "non-lethal" attributes of viscosfication agents might have required redefinition.) Most of those who have experienced these attacks on a recurring basis have abandoned driving all together-- an objective apparently sought by their tormentors as a means of increasing their isolation.

Staged accidents - The majority of those in touch with us have reported these types of experiences. One individual, for example, was tailgated at a high rate of speed by two vehicles, while concurrently being threatened with a gun by one of he vehicles' occupants. Two others narrowly avoided what happened to be deliberately attempted collisions by drivers who quickly sped away from the scene. One avoided three attempts in four days at being run off the road. One survived by being run off the road in two incidents within a one-week period, which resulted in "totaling" of her two vehicles. Another narrowly avoided being crushed into an expressway retaining wall, on four occasions, by an off-duty metro bus, as well as, within the same time frame, being "fried" by two suddenly-malfunctioned household appliances which subsequently repaired themselves. It should be noted that, in some of these cases, "accidental" deaths do occur.

One individual in contact with us reported that his mother drove off a cliff to her death, during a period when he was researching evidence that a still-respected, high level State Department official had passed A-bomb secrets to the Soviet Government during World War II. The accident occurred shortly after her car had undergone routine maintenance. She was returning from a dental appointment when the accident occurred. Witnesses state that it appeared that she had suddenly stepped on the accelerator before running off the road. The accident served to terminate this person's research project. We also look into the recent death of a woman in Lexington, MO, who was killed when the brakes on her tractor failed. We are informed that she had been collecting affidavits from persons who believe they are the targets of government harassment and experimentation when her "accident" occurred. We are also informed that these affidavits have disappeared.

Suicides might also qualify as "staged accidents,"particularly where "plausibly deniable" government involvement has been surfaced. We are currently looking into the recent suicide of a man in Trappe, PA, who, as early as 1981, had asked the FBI and CIA to intervene in his case. We have copies of that early correspondence. The man, a former U.S. Army radar technician, had a highly technical and -- given date of his correspondence -- "precocious" grasp of the experimental objectives apparently being sought in his case. It is apparent from his correspondence that he had wanted to believe that the Soviets were conducting these experiments. The FBI and CIA, of course, did not intervene. We are informed that members of his family have also been targets of this experimentation. Isolation of the individual from members of his/her family -- virtually assured when highly focused forms of electronic harassment commence.

The exception to this is when elderly parents and young children in the family become targets for apparent purposes of intimidation. This situation has been reported in eight of our cases, to date. One individual (driven to extremes of stress by ongoing electronic harassment focusing on her children) killed one child in an effort to protect her from further pain.(2) It appears that lasers were being used in this individual's case. The targeting intensified after she called the Soviet Embassy to report the harassment, which she believed to be U.S. Government-sponsored. It became even more deadly when, in a further show of defiance, she then called the representative of the Iraqi Government to portray the U.S. Government's war in the Middle East as "hypocritical." She is now hospitalized in a midwestern facility, where, apparently, the experimentation is now continuing. (That psychiatric facility is in a State where a disproportionate number of complaints of electronic harassment are beginning tosurface. It is also within range of a U.S. Air Force base which houses a "super secret" research facility. We are currently looking into information that spouses and children of persons employed on that USAF base may be the targets of involuntary experimentation involving direct-energy weapons technologies.)

Another individual, during a telephone conversation, was told by an employee of a local power company that, if she valued the lives of her children, she would drop her public opposition to the company's installation of high power lines. Since receiving that threat, the individual's 11-year-old daughter has been reduced to extremes of pain, resulting in her recurrent hospitalization for treatment of illnesses which cannot be diagnosed. It is also apparent to this individual that her three-year-old son is on the receiving end of externally-induced auditory input. (DoE figures prominently in this case.) * Progressive financial impoverishment, brought on by termination of the individual's employment, and compounded by expenses associated with the harassment. The majority of those now in contact with the Project -- educated, white-collar professionals -- have lost their jobs. Termination of employment in many of these cases involved prefatory harassment by the employer and co-workers, which coincided with the other overt forms of harassment discussed above. The overt harassment tactics are being described as recurrent, non-sequential and overlapping. As noted above, the overt harassment continues even after the electronic harassment commences.

FAILURE OF "ESTABLISHMENT" SUPPORT SYSTEMS - Those individuals who have tried to resolve their respective situations through resort to "establishment" channels have invariably encountered the following: Apathy, indifference and/or professed helplessness on the part of members of Congress and state legislators. Dismissal and/or attempted discrediting by psychiatrists who refuse to include the terms, "government harassment,""mind-control experimentation" and "torture" in their vocabulary. Several individuals, thinking the psychiatrists might help to alleviate the extreme stress associated with their harassment, and accorded "treatment" which clearly pointed to corporation between their psychiatrists and members of the U.S. Intelligence community. One such psychiatrist, in fact, bragged about being a member of the U.S.

Intelligence "inner circle," informing our contact that her harassment was a "Pavlovian Experiment," intended to "break" her. Lack of interest, courage and/or competency in legal circles. Few of those in contact with us have been able to acquire legal assistance -- not helped by their straitened financial circumstances. Most have found that few attorneys are willing to risk their careers by pursuing cases involving what is believed to be government-sponsored harassment or experimentation. A few attorneys reportedly engaged in egregious violations of codes of professional conduct, in what appear to have been deliberate efforts at sabotaging our contacts' cases. Subsequent attempts by two individuals at obtaining legal redress were met with stonewalling, obstruction, and high-level denials of wrongdoing.

Refusal of the mass media to address this topic, except in those cases where suspected experimentees have been driven to committing murder or suicide. Such cases (particularly where an individual has claimed to be a victim of CIA-directed mind-control involving auditory input) are treated by the press as "curiosities." Am example of this is the individual who shot a Navy officer outside the Pentagon in mid-1991.(3) He claimed to be a victim of CIA mind control, involving auditory input. According to the press, "he worried 'about being run over by trains'..." (ref. Incident described in following paragraph). He is now permanently residing in a psychiatric facility. He, being institutionalized, and others in the preliminary stages of his predicament are no longer of interest to the media.

Another recent case which received short-lived press attention(4) involved a woman diagnosed as having "suffered from periods of confusion" who climbed over a fence onto a railroad track and walked into an oncoming train. Because the incident occurred in a community in which an unusually large number of mind-control experiments have been reported, we are looking into the situation. The woman was reportedly "under a physician's care" because of her "periods of confusion." A family member described the physician to this investigator as "a psychiatrist." We find that the alleged "psychiatrist" is a General Practitioner, otherwise non-accredited, practicing out of his home. We find also that the suicide may have been witnessed under peculiarly-timed circumstances by an alleged "homeless" person who has since disappeared. Needless to say, our interest has been whetted.

Refusal and/or inability of local police to intervene. The tendency of local police is to dismiss an individual's complaints of government harassment as the ravings of a "fruitcake." In one case, discussed above, it is apparent that one police officer is actively cooperating in the harassment. Some police agencies, while acknowledging the reality of the situation, hesitate to intervene in cases involving what they believe to be U.S. Intelligence. On a few occasions, certain police officials did attempt to intervene, based on what they perceived to be evidence of a systematic harassment/illegal surveillance campaign. Absent a clear mandate to prosecute "stalkers" acting under the aegis of U.S. Intelligence, the police obviously had their hands tied.

Refusal of the FBI to intervene in any of the cases brought to our attention thus far. FBI spokesmen do acknowledge that they have received a large number of requests for assistance from "mentally disturbed persons" who believe that they are being "zapped by radio waves" and/or "are hearing voices..." "from Mars, that is." In one case, an FBI spokesman reacted in a angry, defensive and bizarre fashion when our contact briefly alluded to PROJECT SLAMMER as possibly being related to her surveillance. (PROJECT SLAMMER is a CIA-funded study, managed by CIA and FBI behavioral scientist, which explores the "mental make-up" of alleged security risks, along with their family members and close associates.

Participants in PROJECT SLAMMER include NSA, DIA, and Army, Navy and Air Force Intelligence.) Until PROJECT SLAMMER was mentioned, the FBI spokesman's approach in this case was to politely and redundantly explain that the law, as currently constructed, prevents the FBI's intervening in this individual's case. What she briefly pointed out that the surveillance activities might fall under the purview of PROJECT SLAMMER, the spokesman's response was to abruptly and angrily declaim, "You don't know who is conducting that surveillance! You don't know if that is a state police surveillance!...or a local police surveillance! It could be a totally unrelated operation! You don't know who is conducting that surveillance! [etc., etc.]!" It was apparent from that response that the FBI was at least acknowledging the existence of a surveillance, if in somewhat emotional fashion.

The individual in question subsequently furnished acquired evidence to the local police, who made it clear that they are no participants in the surveillance which, based on the evidence, pointedly suggest that our contact is the target. Refusal of inability of the ACLU and Amnesty International to intervene. Both organizations acknowledge receiving many complaints from persons claiming to be the targets of some type of electronic harassment. An ACLU spokes-woman characterized the complaints as appearing to be rational, except in a few cases. The complaints are not being investigated, she said, because of "limited resources." We have to wonder, of course, why the ACLU could recently find resources to defend the rights of prostitutes and the Ku Klux Klan, yet remains incapable of intervening in cases such as we are now pursuing. Amnesty International recently informed one of our contacts that they could not intervene in her case because their focus is on the U.S. Government's treatment of prison inmates. While incarceration does appear to be one sought-for objective in this harassment/mind control experiments, we would like to think that protection by such organizations as Amnesty International can be achieved beforehand.

RELATED COVERT METHODOLOGIES - The persons engaged in this harassment tend to become careless, possibly the result of arrogance born of an assumption that nobody can stop them. "Harassees" who have noted this carelessness have furnished us with the following insights into the covert side of these harassment activities.

Impersonation of military officers - One individual found that her next-door neighbor had claimed to be a military intelligence officer, assigned to a space technology unit in California, on year-long "TDY" (temporary duty) in the individual's apartment building. It is subsequently determined that this alleged officer is not in fact a member of the U.S. Armed Forces; and that he had used this bogus status to acquire information from a major defense contractor. Our contact is certain that this person's apartment was used as a base of harassment operations. Use of concealment devices, and emitters detected to date. Several individuals and supportive associates report having seen some of the electronic devices being used in these harassment campaigns. One saw electronic equipment concealed inside a false-front upright piano being moved out of her apartment building. She had previously noted that all of her surrounding neighbors had identical upright pianos in their apartments, not one of which was ever played.

Other suspected participants in the harassment may be concealing devices in oversized stereo speakers, measuring approximately 5' in height x 3'x3'. Several of our contacts have noted the presence of such speakers in adjacent dwellings. One individual was told by a resident of her building that her upstairs neighbor has "microwave ovens" in his bedroom and livingroom, but none in the kitchen. Another individual, while standing outside, looked in her neighbor's window to find that her bedroom appeared to be the target of a gray-colored, elongated box-like device, measuring approximately 1' in length x 5" in height (side view). A large, black-framed lens protruded from the end facing her window. The electrical cord, if any, was not visible from that vantage point. The equipment was being operated by a stranger in a threepiece suit, who appeared to be quite startled to find that he was being observed.

Another was given strong reason to believe that portable emitters are being concealed in oversized, extremely heavy, sometimes expandable "briefcases" for use in places of public assembly, such as meeting halls, auditoriums and restaurants. Smaller varieties are apparently being used on aircraft. On a 3-hour flight, our contact noticed that the man sitting next to her seemed peculiarly intent on keeping the attache case on his lap propped open with his fingertips, while he gazed "blankly" into the distance during the entire flight. She believed that she was being electronically harassed while on a flight (a common complaint, in most of these cases now being investigated).

Our contact reports that, when they prepared to land, the man opened his attache case to hastily check his contents, thus disclosing the presence of a raised, built-in "concealment device" covering the entire bottom surface of the attache case. The low-slung, lift-off cover did not appear to be capable of concealing a laptop computer. At one point during the flight -- apparently aware that his "reverie" was inviting attention, -- the man devoted approximately ten minutes to scribbling assorted entries on a sheet of lined paper, which he had placed on top of the briefcase two hours previously. He devoted roughly ten minutes to the effort (obviously preferring a pen to a laptop computer). His attache case remained ajar during this process.(5)

One individual reports that mobile emitters may be installed in certain oversized, non-attributed medical emergency vehicles, possibly for the eventual use in civil disturbances. Her unsuccessful attempts at following the "medical emergency" vehicle which had surfaced in her case ended with a high-speed chase. The phony military intelligence officer, when recently moving out of our contact's apartment building, was found to possess a device which resembles an oversized microwave oven, measuring approximately 4' in width x 2' in height x 2 1/2' in depth. A subsequent examination of his apartment revealed that he had tapped numerous additional lines into existing, in-house telephone and TV cables; and that he had gone to great pains to conceal a major excavation into one wall abutting the "harassee's." Judging from photographs taken immediately after this person's departure, the wiring suggests that he was hooked by modem into a computer network, and at least of some of his electronic equipment was situated in a large walk-in closet, again abutting the "harassee's." When the alleged officer moved out, his equipment (except for the oversized "microwave oven") was packaged in boxes identifying the contents only as stereo components. During his year-long residency in this building, no sounds emanated from his apartment to indicate use of this "stereo" equipment.

Use of modified license plates and vehicle look-alikes. Some individuals have noted that their neighbors' vehicles are periodically replaced (during peak periods of harassment) by others which qualify as "rough look-alikes." These tags on the latter closely resemble those on the homeowners' vehicles, with a difference being noted in only one digit or one letter. These modified plates appear to have been acquired through State DMV channels, thus suggesting government/intelligence agency involvement. In one case, where the individual has obtained police assistance, tracking of one plate surfaced evidence of a drug connection. The plate rapidly disappeared from the vehicle in question, to be replaced by another, again bearing a one-letter modification.

Use of neighbors' residences as bases of operation and training. One individual recently saw a team of "technicians" in the house behind hers -- a consequence of the team's failure to close the curtains and/or dim the lights when puttering around the kitchen at 5:00 in the morning. The three men (strangers to this individual, all stripped down to their Tshirts) behaved as if they were unaware that they were being watched. Their observer had long suspected that this house was being used as a base of electronic harassment operations. The harassment had been going on throughout the night. To provoke a response from these men, the individual eventually commented aloud on their activities. They responded immediately by turning the lights off and switching to the use of flashlights. Why they failed to close the curtain is unknown. This individual is working with the police in a effort at ending this surveillance and harassment, with mixed results. Another individual, paying a surprise visit to the apartment upstairs, overheard one of her own telephone conversations being played on a tape recorder inside that apartment. Lacking both a legitimate pretext to enter the apartment and the support of the building's management personnel and/or the police, she was prevented from pursuing this further. Her upstairs neighbor is purportedly employed by Stanford University Hospital, in Stanford, CA.

The target of surveillance and harassment in this case is still also trying to recover from the effects of exposure to potentially lethal doses of radiation, administered in the 1970's by a dangerously "incompetent" dentist. This might explain the involvement of alleged Stanford University Hospital personnel in her situation. The government is on record as having experimented on unwitting U.S. citizens with radioactive materials during the 1970's (and earlier).(6) The House Subcommittee on Energy and Commerce based their investigation into this matter on a 30-year accumulation of documents maintained by the Department of Energy. Under the circumstances, it will come as no surprise if it is ultimately found that DoE has been involved in this woman's surveillance and harassment.

Another individual paid a surprise visit to the apartment immediately below hers, in the attempt to identify the source of tremendous racket in her ventilation system. Standing outside the door, she could hear an individual moving around, a short distance from the door. She also heard the sound of rustling paper and the steady, sonar-like "pinging" of some type of electronic device. In response to her repeated knockings on the door, the person inside simply stopped moving about. The sound of rustling paper (perhaps a printout of some type) and the steady "...pin-ng!...pin-ng!" sound continued. The occupant of this apartment resumed moving about only after it was (incorrectly) believed that our contact had departed the area. Typically, this situation could not be pursued further. All of those who live in apartment buildings report unusual patterns of occupancy in the apartments surrounding their own; i.e., upstairs, downstairs and on all sides. They have become quite convinced -- if only because of the highly focused nature of the systems being experienced -- that these surrounding apartments are being used as bases of operation. Perhaps this encirclement facilities studies of holographic human telemetries; or perhaps it is intended to increase the prospect of brain entrainment by electronic means ("entrainment" being one published objective sought in mind control experiments).(7)

In examining this situation more closely, a number of individuals have found that surrounding apartments are either permanently vacant, for unknown reasons, or that they have been "sub-let" by the original occupants to persons who are purportedly unknown to the buildings' management personnel. In one case, the surrounding renters all list two residences in the local telephone book. No one lives in the apartment building in question, though the address is identified as one of the renters' places of residence. One individual suspects that the original occupants of apartments surrounding hers have been simply relocated to other apartments in the same (large) building. Another suspects that an adjacent apartment, which has been permanently rented to the U.S. Government for use by "visitors" is also being used as a base of operations.

One individual found that an immediate neighbor's housemate has the same (unusual) name of a university professor who has engaged in extensive research on behalf of the government, studying the bioeffects of exposure to microwave radiation. Use of informants/agents provocateurs, frequently members of the opposite sex. As noted in the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Interior and Insular Affair's draft report, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company Covert Operation (July 1992), the Wackenhut Corporation's Special Investigations Division adopted this tactic when pursuing Alyeska's critics.

A number of individuals in touch with us report a range of experiences with new "friends" who -- apparently posing as confidants -- used acquired personalia to abruptly end these "friendships" under deliberately degrading and humiliating circumstances. When taken in the context of ongoing surveillance and harassment, these exercises appear intended to heighten emotional trauma, perhaps to provoke an uncontrolled response and/or to enforce isolation. Misuse of covert intelligence personnel (possible former case officers). One individual while under contract to the U.S. Government, properly reported what he believed to be an approach by a hostile intelligence service. Within a few weeks, alleged U.S. Intelligence officers contacted this individual. In addition to questioning him about his background, these alleged intelligence officers asked that he keep in constant contact with them, particularly when planning to travel. It soon became apparent that the alleged intelligence officers were intent only on forcing this individual to report to them as directed, and to account for his activities. He was not asked to assist the U.S. Government in any form of intelligence operation; he was not asked to execute any form of secrecy affirmation statement acknowledging the classified nature of these meetings; nor was he told why these meetings -- involving a total of seven alleged case officers -- were necessary. When he began to balk at a continuation of this process, one of his "handlers" conveyed a threat, suggesting that his continued compliance might be "enforced." Finally, when this individual adamantly refused to corporate further, massive overt harassment commenced and is currently ongoing.

The operation (clearly intended to bully this individual into submissive compliance for purposes which are still unknown) involved crude tactics formerly prized by the KGB. Whether or not legitimate U.S. Intelligence case officers were involved in this activity remains to be determined. Some private firms retain former U.S. Intelligence case officers for contracting out as "security specialist." The founder and CEO of one such firm (Gerald P. Burke, The Parvus Company, Silver Spring, MD) has informed us that the activities of contract case officers are neither monitored nor subjected to formal restraint. Use of psychotropic drugs by cooperative physicians. Shortly after resigning from the CIA, one of our contacts underwent a range of experiences which suggested that she had been massively drugged. One of the alleged perpetrators, whom we have met, alternately claims to be employed by NASA and/or by a firm in Miami, handling, "microwave equipment." NASA has no record of this person under the name furnished.

The "experimentee" ultimately sought the assistance of a psychiatrist, whom her parents had located as a referral. The psychiatrist treated her reported "flashbacks" by immediately placing her on a regimen of Stelazine, which quickly aggravated her condition. He also made comments to this individual which suggested that he had a foreknowledge of her situation, and that he was cooperating with U.S. Intelligence. On one occasion the psychiatrist intimated that our contact might be employable as an assassin; and he repeatedly urged her to move to Great Britain where, he said, she would be put in touch with an unidentified Member of Parliament. Interestingly, he had a tremendous computer system in his office suite, which he explained as being connected by modem into a national level system which, in turn, connected to private residences. When showing her this equipment, the psychiatrist informed our contact that she had been "CAT scanned," pointing out that she was the subject of a vast series of "A's" and "B's" being printed out by one of the many terminals at his disposal.

Our contact also found out that this psychiatrist kept a military uniform in his closet which bore the rank and insignia of a three-star general. The individual ultimately sought psychiatric support elsewhere. Her new psychiatrist, formerly employed by DoD, immediately put her on a regimen of Haladol Decanoate, Klonopin and Benzatropine. The combined effect of these drugs was loss of memory and a state of mind which, under other circumstances, might be diagnosed as Depersonalization or Dissociative Disorder. All three drugs proved to be highly addictive. Our contact, since severing contact which this psychiatrist as well, has finally successfully overcome the addiction. Another individual -- the one whose psychiatrist had informed her of her role in a "Pavlovian Experiment" -- was subjected to attempted drugging by Trazodone, one of the strongest sedatives on the market. The psychiatrist in question kept no record of the individual's outpatient visits, nor of her Trazodone prescriptions. Being unaware that the individual was not adhering to his regimen, the psychiatrist urged her rapidly to increase her dosage, renewing her 30-day prescription after a period of only 11 days. Though aware of her heart condition, he failed to monitor her condition, dismissing her complaints of (electronically-induced) pains in her heart as inconsequential. Trazodone is know to aggravate heart conditions. erhaps the intent was to have this individual succumb to a "heart attack" as the result of "imagined" government harassment. Neither the appropriate psychiatric society nor the FBI would touch this case. Another individual (a clear target of retaliation) sought medical assistance to counter sudden massive headaches and recurrent attacks of vomiting -- effects which can be produced by infrasound.

The physician to whom she was referred (an alleged specialist in Internal Medicine) placed her on a combination of Compazine and Xanax, prescribing dosages which the Physicians' Desk Reference warns against. Compazine, in addition to being an anti-emetic, is used in the treatment of psychotic disorders. It can also cause dyskinesia, an irreversible syndrome involving loss of motor control. Xanax is known to induce vomiting. Both drugs can lead to dependance and a worsening of the patient's condition. The effects of all such drugs, in fact, can be mutated in high-energy fields, thus increasing the likelihood of adverse reactions. We have recently found that this prescribing "physician" is not licensed to practice medicine in the State of which she has been practicing since at least 1989.

Our contact, being concerned about the long-term effects of Xanax and Compazine, consulted another physician in the same office. The physician immediately prescribed Prozac, failing to concurrently recommend that her patient discontinue the Xanax and Compazine prescriptions. When our contact refused to take any psychotropic drugs, the doctor became upset and asked, "Don't you want to get well?" This second physician is a licensed practitioner in Internal Medicine, with no background in Psychiatry. We also found that she apparently refers her patients to yet a third physician in the office who claims to be a psychiatrist. She, too, is licensed to practice Internal Medicine, only. Her receptionist described this third physician as having a psychiatric "sub-specialty," ... "as an internist." The receptionist also informed us that this internist "is treating a number of psychiatric patients." On pursuing this further, we find that these physicians are in a small "medicine group" which is not listed by specialty in standard regional telephone directories. The group bears the same name as one of the CIA's most infamous recruited physicians (perhaps best described as "the Mengele of MKULTRA"). The doctor's offices are located in a bank building, which, we have found, is a favored hiding place for security-oriented business and government agencies. Two computer firms, co-located with an attorney who represents "Island Resort Development, Ltd.," are situated immediately beneath the doctors' offices. The prospect of finding island resort developments within 500 miles of this attorney's office is limited.

Our contact, being apprised of these findings, is seeking medical help elsewhere. In two of our cases, urologist took it upon themselves to play the role of "psychiatrist"; i.e., they rendered psychiatric diagnoses and prescribed psychotropic drugs. One of these urologist, employed by The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, prescribed Haldol, informing our contact that he perceived her to be "psychotic." His efforts at getting a Clinic psychiatrist to confirm this diagnosis were unsuccessful. The psychiatrist, apparently a rare individual who subscribes to codes of medical ethics, found nothing wrong with this woman, even given the nature of her complaints. The urologist's response to this was to issue his own Haldol prescription. Sensing that something was amiss, the woman refused to have the prescription filled. Yet another individual ended up in the hands of a psychiatrist who, as a purported means of ending the stress associated with her harassment, offered to put her under hypnosis. She described the hypnotic state as "equivalent to floating" and (based on her overall experiences with this physician) has not ruled out the possibility that drugs may have been surreptitiously administered. The psychiatrist claimed to be interested in psychic phenomena and demonstrated an apparently remarkable ability to read the individual's mind. While in her "hypnotic state, the individual felt like a sharp, painful pressure inside her nose, as if something were being shoved up her nostrils to the sinus cavities. She awoke to find blood pouring from her nostrils. The psychiatrist casually dismissed this as owing to a probable cold. Shortly after the experience, the individual began to hear loud tones in her head, followed in due coarse by auditory input. Brain scans have failed to yield evidence of an implant device. (We have recommended that she undergo a scan by means of a suitably adapted non-linear junction detector, as a preliminary.) Suffice to say, this individual has severed contact with the psychiatrist and is continuing to cope with the ongoing overt electronic harassment by other non-medical means.

Use of medical implant devices - The situation just described is not our first encounter with the apparent use of medical implant devices in these harassment/mind-control cases. Another of our contacts began receiving auditory input roughly 15 years after she had a 4 mm. cochlear implants placed in her ears.

The "voices" - Claimed to be affiliated with the CIA and, among other things, expressed intentions of running this woman as an agent in denied areas by "piggybacking" their audio transmissions onto standard FM frequencies to avoid detection. We have been unable to locate the surgeon who implanted these devices, though we do have a copy of his operative reports. A recent CAT scan of this individual failed to disclose the presence of the cochlear implants. Several years ago, the individual (now a psychologist) applied for a position with the CIA. She was interviewed by four Langley-based, purported psychologist, who allegedly informed her that her job would involve the assessments of certain criminals for purposes of weighing their purposes for loyalty to this agency. During these interviews, she was told to read several books by such persons as Philip Agee, Stansfield Turner and Ralph McGehee, all of whom were unknown to her. The alleged psychologist claimed that these authors had described the CIA "as it really is." Our contact was not asked to execute a security affirmation statement acknowledging the classified nature of these proceedings. The unconventional manner of this interview process suggested that this individual was being toyed with, for reason which remain to be determined. She did not get the job and in fact more recently lost her job with a state penitentiary. She was fired on the recommendation of the prison's psychiatrist, because of her insistence that she is receiving auditory input from the CIA personnel who persist in feeding her classified information. Interestingly, though this individual was deemed unfit to function as a psychologist in the penitentiary system, the State rehired her, assigning her to a mental health facility where, apparently, she is to develop a behavioral modification program for retarded adults with a diagnosed mental illness. This individual claimed to be receiving and responding to externally-induced auditory "advice" while working with prison inmates. It may be presumed that the process will continue. Under the circumstances, we have to wonder if this case qualifies as a benchmark in mind-control experimentation; i.e., employment of a mind-controlled psychologist to run the equivalent of mind-control experiments on mentally-ill retarded adults. We will continue to monitor this situation.

The individual we previously identified as having challenged a local power company also appears to have ben "tagged" by some type of implant device. During a recent symposium, she was approached by a man whose business card identifies him as "Program Manager, Electromagnetic Radiation Division," DoE. His approach was suitably sympathetic. Our contact ultimately accepted this man's invitation to continue discussing their common ranges of interest in his hotel room. During this meeting, she accepted the offer of a drink, blacked out after consuming it, and woke up four hours later, still in this man's hotel room, to find that the back of her ear had been punctured and was bleeding. There was no evidence of sexual assault. The man glibly evaded this woman's request for an explanation. She has since found two adjacent puncture marks behind her ear, which are not healing properly, and between which she can feel the presence of a "wire" measuring approximately 1/3" in length. We are pursuing this further.

The said DoE Project Manager has more recently initiated contact with yet another activist in touch with this Association. His call was unsolicited. He apparently wanted to know to know if this woman would be attending an upcoming conference. We have warned the individual to avoid any form of private meeting with the said Project Manager. To date, we are aware of three cases involving clandestine behavior on the part of alleged DoE employees. The CIA figures prominently (if peculiarly) in the majority of the other cases. Two of those have been discussed above. I another, also involving auditory input, the individual is certain that the current Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) participated in the "voice transmission" process on at least one occasion. She claims to have recognized his voice. When she commented aloud on the DCI's perceived involvement in this experimentation, the "voice" responded with studdered and stammered denials. We are told that this particular "voice" has not been heard from since.

In yet another case involving auditory input, the individual has allegedly been informed by her "voices" that the technologies being used against her were stolen from the CIA by a maverick employee, whose group is not targeting her from a distance of 2,000 miles. She reported this to the DCI's office and was allegedly informed by the Deputy DCI that she will be awarded millions of dollars if she can produce the equipment and any of the personnel involved in her harassment. One usually-candid CIA spokesman also allegedly informed this individual that, "while the CIA does not deny having this equipment," they "do not use it in this country." Perhaps this explains why a number of our contacts have also been electronically harassed while traveling overseas. This woman has also been repeatedly assured by CIA DDS (security) personnel of the Agency's sincere concern for her welfare. During a recent telephone conversation with that Office, we confirmed that she is indeed known to the CIA. Based on this, we asked that the Agency "put its money where its mouth is," so to speak, by conducting a long-term electronic sweep of this individual's premises. That was two months ago. No sweep has been conducted, though CIA spokesmen continue to "sympathize" with her predicament.

Another individual, a target of harassment and experimentation since 1952 (apparently singled out because of his student activism while at Penn State University) began hearing "voices" after having most of his teeth capped. He has been more recently been informed by his "handlers" that implanted devices are no longer used for purposes of inducing auditory input. No explanation was offered. He was quite visibly surprised when informed by this investigator that auditory input can be achieved solely by means of pulsed microwave audiograms (discussed in Part I of this report). The individual's "handlers" allegedly have also stated that their experiments on U.S. citizens are in pursuit of a variety of objectives; viz., (1) develop an effective means for creating a perfect, "robotized" soldier; (2) alter individual sexual performances, such as by turning heterosexuals into homosexuals (they allegedly claim to be having "difficulties" reversing the process): and (3) enhance and destroy levels of academic achievement, at will, such as by degrading the performance of otherwise brilliant students, and by drastically improving the performance of poor students.

Given the technology at the government's disposal and a predisposition of the part of certain governmental agencies to "play God" in experimental fashion with citizens' lives, these purported projects do not come across as being totally far-fetched. Another case involves a woman whose experiences suggest that she, too, is an MKULTRA experimentee being kept on the books, so to speak. The woman, apparently a "pet" experimentee, found herself being introduced to a wide array of prominent individuals whose connections with the CIA she believed to be quite apparent. One of those she states, was Robert Jay Lifton, a well-known author and expert on brainwashing, whose books include "The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide" (Basic Books, 1986).

Her experiences included a voluntary ("referral") admission to Hollywood Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in 1973, during an era when MKULTRA experiments at the Alan Memorial Institute, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, were only beginning to capture the attention of the U.S. Senate.(8) More recently, in 1990, she was transported to New York University's Cameron Medical Center, in Westchester, NY (under circumstance which qualify as an abduction), where she was forcibly wrestled to the ground by approximately six Center staffers and forcibly confined for a period of approximately three weeks. She was neither psychiatrically counseled nor formally tested while in that facility. The psychiatrists assigned to her case appeared more intent on forcing her to take a combination of neuroleptic drugs, to include Haldol, Navane, and Cogentin. (Haldol and Navane can cause tardive dyskinesia.) She resisted those attempts. A court ultimately ordered this woman released from the Center, stipulating that she was not to be administered drugs. On subsequently acquiring her medical records, under conditions which prevented censoring or doctoring those records, she found that her psychiatrists had planned to inject her with drugs (in defiance of the court order) on the day of her release. As luck would have it, she was released a day early.

The woman states that she has met Budd Hopkins, of the Intruders Foundation, and that she had a long-term, confiding relationship with John E. Mack, Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, and the founding Director of the Center for Psychological Studies in the Nuclear Age (previously named, Research Program for the Study of Human Continuity; and, still previously, rumored to have cooperated with the CIA in studies of "human ecology"). At one point in their relationship, Professor Mack apparently accompanied this woman to a "support group" meeting of UFO abductees, who, she observed bemusedly, "spent their time comparing [extraterrestrially] implanted devices." Professor Mack is on record as promoting the perception that UFO abductions are legitimate.(9) We frankly doubt that extraterrestrials who have a means to commute intergalactically would stoop to implanting comparatively devices in human beings. However, should it be proved that the psychiatrist, surgeon and DoE Project Manager above are extraterrestrials posing as humans, we will be happy to weigh that information. If it is similarly established to the vehicular "abduction" of the woman discussed above was the work of an extraterrestrial named Kaplan, who was posing as a human with Cornell Medical Center connections, we will be happy to ponder that as well.

In the meantime, it would seem reasonable that the government would want the public to believe that extraterrestrial visitations are on the upswing. Mind-altering drugs, externally-induced auditory input, holographic projections (also a DoD capability),10) appropriately focused directed-energy targeting, device implantations, special effects and abductions are all within this government's capabilities and can be used for purposes of creating illusions of UFO experiences. Persons not cognizant of this might be more inclined to fall for the UFO mythologies now being officially "legitimized." Other cases, possibly involving U.S. Navy Intelligence, NSA, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and, peripherally, members of the former Soviet Bloc intelligence services will be discussed in further reports.

HARASSMENT OBJECTIVES - In his book, Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control, Dr. Harvey Weinstein quotes the following passage from a book entitled, A battle for the Mind: A Physiology in Conversion and Brainwashing, by William Sergeant (Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, 1957): "By increasing the prolong stress in various ways, or inducing physical debilitation, a more thorough alteration of the person's thinking process may be achieved. ...If the stress or physical debilitation, or both, are carried one stage further, it may happen that patterns of thought and behavior, especially those of recent acquisition, become disrupted. New patterns can then be substituted, or suppressed patterns allowed to reassert themselves; or the subject might begin to think or act in ways precisely contradict his former ones. "'...If a complete sudden collapse can be produced by prolonging or intensifying emotional stress, the cortical slate may be wiped clean temporarily of its more recently implanted patterns of behavior, perhaps allowing others to be substituted more easily.'" Dr. Weinstein then comments: "The parallel with [Dr. Ewen] Cameron's theory of differential amnesia is striking, and the relationship to brainwashing is abundantly clear."(11) Dr. Cameron, employed by McGill University's Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, between 1943 and 1964, conducted brainwashing experiments upon select, non-volunteer psychiatric patients on behalf of the CIA. Dr. Weinstein's father was one of Cameron's victims. Sergeant's theorems and Cameron's associated experimental findings appear to be the driving force behind the harassment and experimentation now being reported to this Association. All of these individuals are being subjected to a series of overlapping circumstances which apparently are meant to induce and sustain long-term extremes of stress. All of these individuals have been effectively isolated. Unethical psychiatrists and physicians are involved in the majority of these cases. Mind-altering prescription drugs are being used for clearly non-therapeutic purposes.

Evidence of LSD use is also beginning to surface (one of Cameron's favored mind-altering substances). And "psychic driving" techniques -- Cameron's pet brainwashing method -- are involved in all these cases, to a much greater and more potentially effective degree where auditory input is involved. The long-term objectives of these harassment and experimentation campaigns appear to be quite fundamental; viz., (1) induce a sense of perverted "loyalty" toward the very agencies engaged in the individual's harassment, to confuse his or her priorities where the possibility of obtaining legal redress might be concerned; (2) redirect the targeted individual's feelings of hopelessness, anger and frustration toward racial and ethnic groups, and toward select, prominent political figures, to include the President of the United States; and (3) force the individual to commit an act of violence, whether suicide or murder, under conditions which he can be plausibly denied by the government. An operation's ultimate success apparently hangs on this latter objective. We have successfully obstructed this process in a number of cases now being investigated.

THE "STALKER" PHENOMENON - In recent weeks, considerable publicity has been given the trauma of the victim's of "stalkers" (persons who obsessively surveil, harass and, in some cases, kill targeted individuals for assorted, unfathomable reasons). Movie stars that have been stalked recurrently make the news. Stalking, as a problem, is in fact becoming widespread, to a point where, in some States, the activity has finally been specifically proscribed by law. The individuals in contact with our Association are reporting the same terrifying ranges of experiences as are now being reported by the press on behalf of other victims stalkers. The only difference in the cases reported to us is that the stalkers operate in groups over extremely long periods of time, and (it would appear) with the blessings of certain agencies of the U.S. Government. The laws being passes to protect victims of stalkers are clearly being selectively applied. We hope to put an end to this situation; that is, in addition to achieving the objects discussed above. It should be noted that the FBI, though unwilling to intervene in the cases described above recently intervened on a massive scale to protect Joy Silverman, a Bush-appointed trustee of the J.F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, from the ardent "stalkings" of her estranged paramour, Sol Wachtler, Chief Justice, Court of Appeals in the State of New York.(12) Wachtler had apparently threatened to kidnap Silverman's daughter if not paid $20,000. Since no kidnapping had occurred, the case qualified merely as an attempted extortion, a question arises as to why the New York State Police could not have handled this investigation. Mr. Silverman resides in New York.

It would appear that the FBI devoted more than 100 agents and technicians to the effort, resolving the case within approximately 30 days. On November 7, 1992, the day of his arrest, Wachtler ran a gauntlet of 80 FBI special agents on the Long Island Expressway. Apparently the FBI does not have enough to do, if staking out a lone stalker is their top priority. We have to wonder, of course, if the FBI's massive response was prompted by what was perceived to be Wachtler's usurpation of governmental stalking prerogatives. Mrs. Silverman's $300,000 donations to Republican Party causes could be considered a basis for the FBI's solicitous concern for her welfare. It would appear, under the circumstances, that the "stalking victims" discussed above -- being by now poverty-stricken--should abandon all hope of FBI intervention in their respective situations. FBI protection appears to have a price tag, which not one of our contacts can afford.

  1. Peters, Edward, Torture, Basil Blackwell, Inc., New York/London, 1985
  2. The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH, June 28, 1991, p.4-B ("Psychiatrist Testifies at mom's Hearing"); November 6, 1991, (Woman Ruled Competent for Trial"); and December 21, 1991, p. 4-C ("Ruling Expected Monday on Sanity of Parma Mother/Woman says she stabbed her 3 children to protect them").
  3. The Washington Post, June 1, 1991, p. C-1 ("Voices' Led to Tragedy for 2 Men/Pentagon Suspect's Mother Says Institutions Should Have Held Son")and December 14, 1991, p. D-3 ("Suspect in Pentagon Killing Is Found Unfit to Stand Trial").
  4. The Washington Post, September 4, 1992, p. D-3 ("Freight Train kills Woman Near Home in Silver Spring").
  5. Jane's Security and Co-In [Counter-Insurgency] Equipment, (Surrey, UK, 1991-92), as a preliminary source, contains a number of references to attache-case concealment devices, for use in surveillance/communications operations. The electronic components are built into the bottom interior of these cases. Obviously the man just described could not have carried a "microcircuitried" attache case aboard a U.S. airliner without first clearing security. We were advised by a former CIA DDS (Security) employee that credential-carrying members of U.S. Intelligence can bypass airport security checks of their carry-on luggage.
  6. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch, October 15, 1986, p. 1-A ("U.S. Used Humans for Radiation Guinea Pigs:).
  7. See, for example, Weinstein, Harvey M., M.D., Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control, American Psychiatric Press, Washington,D.C., 1990; Marks, John, The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate" The CIA and Mind Control, Times Books, New York, 1979; Delgado, Jose M. R., M.D., Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society, Harper and; Row, New York, 1969; and Hutchison, Michael, Megabrain: New Tools and Techniques for Brain Growth and Mind Expansion, Ballatine Books, New York, 1986.
  8. According to a Vancouver Sun archivist, Hollywood Hospital, Ltd. (a privately-owned institution), went out of business in 1975, two years after this woman's hospitalization and after approximately 30 years of doing business. The event coincided with findings by the U.S. Senate church Committee concerning the CIA's brainwashing experiments under MKULTRA. Our contact also identified the Director of the Hollywood Hospital as Dr. Ross MacLean -- information also confirmed by the Vancouver Sun. Nothing in these records, copies of which are being obtained,points to CIA involvement with the hospital. Perhaps a portion of history has been overlooked. Cornell Medical Center's role in MKULTRA is a matter of public record. (See, for example, Thomas, Gordon, Journey Into Madness: The True Story of the CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse,Bantam Books, New York, 1989).
  9. The Roper Organization, Unusual Personal Experiences: An Analysis of the Data from Three National Surveys, (Bigelow Holding Corp., Las Vegas, NY, 1991. Contributors lending "credibility" to this publication include John Mack and Budd Hopkins.
  10. Defense Week, October 19, 1992, Vol. 13, No. 41, pp. I & II, ("Pentagon, State [Department] Collaborate on Counterterror Gear").
  11. Op. cit., Weinstein, pp. 140-141.
  12. The Washington Post, November 10, 1992, p. A-1 ("An Unlikely Suspect for Scandal/Top N.Y. Judge Accused of Breaking Law in Secret Life").

There can never be any justification for torture. It creates anescalation of violence in the internal affairs of states. It spreads like a contagious disease from country to country. It has lasting effects on the mental and physical health of the victim and brutalizes the torturer. It is fundamental duty as human beings to express what is surely the conscience of humanity and to eradicate this evil. [Amnesty International, February 1990, in the context of the U.S. Government's continuing failure to ratify the U.N. Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, dated December 10, 1984]

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